Unit 11. Surveying Bulk Vegetable, Animals Oils & Fat Cargoes


At one time the shipments of fish (whale) oils far exceeded those of vegetable/animal oils. As new processing methods and increased efficiency for both vegetable (grains) and animal farming increased, so did the volume of trade in vegetable oils and fats, to a point which now rivals that of many chemicals. Much of the work in regulating the transportation of oils and fats has taken place in Europe mainly with the Federation of Oils, Seeds and Fats Associations Limited (FOSFA).

In this Unit We focus on the management of surveys on vegoil tankers, but much can and does cross the soft boundary between edible oils and petro chemical cargoes carried in both chemical and petroleum product tankers. Operational practices on chemical tankers require the highest attention. The fact that edible oils are involved is neither here nor there, the operational safety practices and procedures remain in place and therefore, all that you may have learned with respect to the operation of a chemical or petroleum product tanker holds true for edible oils.

Because the edible oil cargo surveying is somewhat unusual with respect to normal ‘dry’ cargo surveying, it demands an understanding of the particular terminology. This module is illustrated with a number of graphics to allow the learner an insight to what it is being discussed.

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