Unit 10. Surveying Containers & Cargoes in Containers


As Van den Berg stated in his book ‘Containerisation and Other Unit Transport’; Containerisation is the modern contribution to the historic trend of diminishing transport costs and is, therefore, irresistible. Intermodal containerisation has replaced many conventional fragmented transport systems by one fully integrated method, and as such it is now a proven industry itself.

Overall the unit will introduce the student to the different types of intermodal freight containers involved with the shipping industry. It is intended that the student will have an understanding of the rules of construction of the different containers, the overall inspection regime, repair assessment and requirements. We look at some depth into the Convention of Safe Containers with regard to testing, approval, structural and maintenance requirements.

The aim of this module is to provide the student with an understanding of the process of inspecting intermodal, steel freight containers and explaining best practice standards and procedures for stuffing and un-stuffing of cargoes in containers.

It is expected that on the completion of this module the student will be able to attend for site survey of any type of container be this for pre-loading inspection, stuffing, unstuffing, cargo damage or container damage.

Topics covered in this unit include:
Types of Containers   •   Types of Container Ships   •   The East/West Trade and the North/South trade   •   Container Construction and Securing   •   Container Stuffing and Cargo Securing   •   Problem Areas – Ship, Cargo and Container

Please note.
By choosing to buy this Unit you are not entering into the full educational programme but you can complete an assignment for this Unit and receive an IIMS Certificate on successful assessment. Further details of this will be sent to you when you make your purchase. If you decide to take the full Educational Course at a later date you may be able to use your successful pass to make up part of your qualification.  Please be reminded that this cost covers one download of a .pdf document, there is NO hard copy. There is no refund available. Please call the Education Team direct if you have any queries: 023 92 313012 or 023 92 313015

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