Unit 05. Draught Surveying


At the end of this module students should be able to perform and calculate a draught survey. However there is no substitute for experience in some of the operations needed to obtain the draughts and data required for the calculation. It is strongly recommended that students spend as much time as possible with an experienced surveyor in order to become familiar with the practical aspects of reading draughts, sounding tanks, understanding the large variety of hydrostatic particulars and many other aspects of the procedure.

NOTE. This module has been written for students who have not had seagoing experience and are not familiar with ships and thus ex seafarers may find some of the content a bit obvious. However it is hoped that they will still gain something from carrying out the study.

In this unit you will learn about:
• Marine Regulation & Safety
• Introduction to Ship Construction
• Understanding Basic Ship Stability
• The Theory of Draught Surveying and the Practical Draught Survey

Please note.
By choosing to buy this Unit you are not entering into the full educational programme but you can complete an assignment for this Unit and receive an IIMS Certificate on successful assessment. Further details of this will be sent to you when you make your purchase. If you decide to take the full Educational Course at a later date you may be able to use your successful pass to make up part of your qualification.  Please be reminded that this cost covers one download of a .pdf document, there is NO hard copy. There is no refund available. Please call the Education Team direct if you have any queries: 023 92 313012 or 023 92 313015

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