Shipbuilding Acquaint Course Unit 03 – The role of the Classification Society and Certification


This on-demand video is part of the Shipbuilding Acquaint Course Masterclass

The learning objectives of this unit are:
– To learn and understand what a Classification Society is
– Gain an appreciation of the history about Classification Societies
– Understand who and what IACS is
– Learn who chooses the Class for new building
– Learn about ‘Cradle to Grave’ – the classification of components from manufacture to operation onboard the vessel through life
– Gain an introduction to Plan Approval by the Classification Society
– Understand supply chain Quality Assurance (steel plate to ship delivery into service)
– Learn the importance of Statutory Surveys and Certification on behalf of Flag Administrations
– Understand about ‘Future Proofing’ the vessel
– Appreciate the role of the Classification Surveyor attendance during newbuilding
– Understand New Entry and Final Certification with examples of Certificates
– Gain an introduction to the 5-year Special Survey Cycle

Video run time: 1 hour 38 minutes

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