As part of it’s new development plan, Oceania Marine has announced the order of the first of two travel lift machines for its Port Whangarei Marine Centre (PWMC) at South Shipyard in Port Whangarei, New Zealand.
The project, which is expected to take approximately six months to complete, has commenced at South Shipyard with the introduction of the new travel lift haulout service. The development will begin with the installation of the smaller of the two proposed lifts, a 100 Cimolai mobile boat hauler (MBH 100), utilising the extensive sealed hardstand, refit sheds and amenities that are already in place at the shipyard.
Martin Gleeson, managing director of Port Whangarei Marine Centre said, “The initiative has been some years in the planning and it is exciting for our whole team to finally be starting on the real thing.
“This first stage not only targets a market that Oceania Marine currently does not cater for, but in addition, will ease pressure on the slipping schedule of the 800-tonne railway slip at North Shipyard, located close by, for more large vessel haul outs.”
The 100-tonne travel lift will have an inside clear width of 10.2 metres making it the largest physical machine in New Zealand. The Port Whangarei Marine Centre at South Shipyard will be offering haulout, refit and repair services to a wide range of vessels both domestic and international.
Preparations are also underway for the installation of a larger 450-tonne Cimolai mobile boat hauler (MBH 450), which is soon to follow. Work on the second development stage is expected to be completed in time for the 2016 summer season putting the New Zealand marine industry, and Port Whangarei in particular, at the forefront of the international market where it will offer an all tide, on-demand service to vessels up to 450 tonnes.