P&I club Britannia has published an incident case study after two fumigation contractors died from asphyxiation on a bulk carrier.
The unexpected incident occurred onboard the vessel nearing the completion of loading corn cargo, which resulted in the death of one contractor. Before the incident, the cargo holds had been closed for six days, leading to depleted oxygen levels inside. This incident highlights the dangers of closed cargo holds, the lack of awareness about hazardous conditions, and the human tendency to help others in distress without considering personal safety.
On 3 December 2021, a 33,000 GT bulk carrier arrived in Chennai, India, to load 53,000 tonnes of yellow corn. Fumigation contractors boarded to install ducting for fumigating the cargo. Loading began that day but was intermittently halted due to rain. By 15 December 2021, cargo hold four was loaded and its hatches and accessways were sealed. Loading continued in other holds as weather allowed.
On 21 December 2021, as loading neared completion, 21 fumigation contractors boarded at 0948. While their equipment was being loaded using the ship’s crane, a team of four contractors prepared to fumigate cargo hold four. At 1212, two workers entered the booby hatch of hold four with gas masks and a phosphine gas detector. Shortly afterwards, worker A emerged onto deck feeling breathless and noticed that worker B had fallen over within the cargo hold. He re-entered to assist.
Other team members, realising the danger, attempted to help but quickly retreated due to breathlessness. One team member then informed the ship’s crew at the gangway. At 1217, the officer of the watch alerted the master, who then called for an enclosed space rescue via the public address system. The chief officer, upon hearing the call, rushed to the booby hatch. Upon seeing the two collapsed workers inside the hold, he donned an emergency escape breathing device (EEBD) and entered the hold, retrieving worker A at 1222. He re-entered (still wearing the EEBD) and, using a rope, retrieved worker B onto the deck.
Both workers were given first aid and oxygen until 1240 when they were transported to a local hospital by car. Worker A was declared dead at 1425, while worker B recovered. Toxicology reports indicated no gaseous poison in the blood or lungs of either worker.
The investigation and case study identified several contributing factors and lessons learned. These are based on the information available in the investigation report and are not intended to apportion blame on the individuals or company involved.
The cargo hold was not considered as dangerous space
An enclosed space is defined in the International Maritime Organization (IMO) ‘Resolution A.1050(27) Revised Recommendations for Entering Enclosed Spaces Aboard Ships’ as follows:
“Enclosed space means a space which has any of the following characteristics:
1. Limited openings for entry and exit;
2. Inadequate ventilation; and
3. Is not designed for continuous worker occupancy,
and includes, but is not limited to, cargo spaces, double bottoms, fuel tanks, ballast tanks, cargo pump-rooms, cargo compressor rooms, cofferdams, chain lockers, void spaces, duct keels, inter-barrier spaces, boilers, engine crankcases, engine scavenge air receivers, sewage tanks, and adjacent connected spaces. This list is not exhaustive and a ship-specific list should be produced to identify enclosed spaces.”
As per Section 10.5 of Resolution A.1050(27), grain cargoes (e.g. corn) can cause oxygen depletion. Corn kernels absorb oxygen and excrete carbon dioxide, which can cause oxygen depletion in a cargo hold that is closed for a long time. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) considers any atmosphere with an oxygen content below 19.5% by volume to be oxygen-deficient and immediately dangerous to life or health. After the incident, tests of the atmosphere in cargo hold 4 showed an oxygen content of 2.6% by volume.
Enclosed space related accidents on board ships are mostly caused by insufficient knowledge or disregard for necessary precautions, rather than a lack of guidance. Shortcomings in the attempt to rescue and the use of improper equipment highlight the need for more awareness, training and drills. When a large number of shore workers board, it is difficult for the ship’s crew to monitor all their actions. However, this should be discussed with the person in charge of the shore workers and a system should be agreed for control of work. Access control to all dangerous spaces on board is paramount. In an emergency rescue, the atmosphere of an enclosed space should be considered unsafe unless confirmed otherwise, and proper procedures should be followed. Rescue operations should only be conducted by properly trained and equipped personnel.
Read the report in full: BSafe-Asphyxiation in cargo hold due to oxygen depletion
Find out more about Britannia’s BSafe’s case studies and initatives here