Paris MoU Annual Report 2019 shows port state detention rate is down

Port state detention rates are down is key finding of the Paris MoU Annual Report 2019
Port state detention rates are down is key finding of the Paris MoU Annual Report 2019

The Paris MoU Annual Report 2019 has been published and is available for download at the end of this article. This report provides an overview of the activities of the Paris MoU in 2019 including the statistics. Some of the highlights of the report are set out below.

The Paris MoU Annual Report 2019 reveals that in the past three years 76 ships have been banned for multiple detentions, 6 ships were banned for “failing to call at an indicated repair yard” and one ship for jumping detention. In the same period, 13 ships were banned for a second time. In the period 2017 to 2019 the flags of Comoros, the Republic of Moldova, the United Republic of Tanzania and Togo have recorded the highest number of bannings.

Looking at the Paris MoU, “White, Grey and Black List”, the overall situation seems to be stabilising. Although some flag States have moved between lists, the total amount of 41 flags on the “White list” is similar to that in 2018 (41). The Grey list contains 16 flags (18 in 2018); the Black list 13 flags (14 in 2018).

Recognized Organizations (ROs) are authorised by flag States to carry out statutory surveys on their behalf. For this reason, it is important to monitor their performance, which is why a performance list for ROs is presented in the Paris MoU Annual Report as well. Out of 526 detentions recorded in 2019, 80 (15%) were considered RO related (17% in 2018).

The detention percentage in 2019 (2.94%) shows a slight further decrease compared to 2018 (3.17%). In 2017 the percentage was 3.88%. The number of detainable deficiencies has decreased as well from 3,250 in 2018 to 2,995 in 2019.

Members with the largest number of inspections, namely Spain, Italy, the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Canada, the Russian Federation and Germany, jointly accounted for 51% of the total number of inspections in 2019.

With 1,029 inspections and 124 detentions the ships flying a “Black-listed flag” had a detention rate of 12%. For ships flying a “Grey-listed flag” the detention rate was 7%. Ships flying a “White-listed flag” had a detention rate of 2.2%. The five most frequently recorded deficiencies in 2019 were “ISM” (4.47%, 1,781), “fire doors/openings in fire-resisting divisions” (2.60%, 1037), “oil record book” (1.61%, 642), “nautical publications” (1.56%, 622) and “cleanliness of engine room” (1.37%, 544). Relatively, the total number of the top five of deficiencies has decreased from 12.7% in 2018 to 11.6% in 2019.

The Paris MoU Annual Report 2019 also contains details of many of the developments underway in relation to refining and improving the port State control in the region. Their aim towards achieving the mission of the Paris MoU to safeguard the safety of shipping and seafarers in the region.

Read the 64 page pdf report: Paris MoU Annual Report 2019

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