Out with the old; in with the new

iims416So what happened to 2014? It went by like a whirlwind and I find myself shortly to celebrate my first year in office, which I find unthinkable.

Of course at the end of the year it is natural to look back and to assess the highs and the lows and to review the events that shaped the year. Fortunately for me, there have been many more good times than bad times.

So the top ten achievements that the IIMS team has delivered during 2014 (in my opinion) and in no particular order of importance are as follows;

1. Returning the IIMS to the black – a very necessary thing to do indeed!

2. Delivering a successful IIMS Conference in June at Southampton, only blighted by a lower than expected attendance.

3. Sorting out our certifying authority procedures and processes to such a level that we received first class acknowledgement from the Maritime & Coastguard Agency for a job well done.

4. Relaunching The Report magazine and turning it into a thoroughly modern looking publication that members seem to want to read.

5. Developing an integrated digital strategy (which sounds as bit more glamorous than it is); but sending regular tweets on Twitter to our growing community and establishing a LinkedIn discussion group which boats approaching 200 participants now. We are also now active with video content on YouTube too.

6. Revamping the monthly News Bulletin for members. It looks good and contains important current news items.

7. We welcomed our first students to gain their HNC qualification and certificate, awarded by Pearson edexcel. My congratulations to those involved.

8. Re-engineering and re-launching this very web site, which has become very busy since launch! The Institute now has a thoroughly modern looking site that boasts huge content and is an excellent resource for members.

9. The Marine Surveying Academy Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of the IIMS was successfully launched. We have accredited and certificated over 80 International Registered Marine Insulation Inspectors on behalf of Wood Group. The recently launched Registered Marine Coatings Inspectors qualification has just completed its first course in Amsterdam. And the MSA will be formally announcing another new accreditation scheme on behalf of another third party early in 2015.
10. Increasing membership. This year IIMS has welcomed a larger than expected number of new members from locations around the world. We are pleased to have you on board!

So who knows what 2015 will hold? What we do know is that it will be a year of opportunity and we intend to make the most of it.

On behalf of myself and my IIMS colleagues, we wish the whole IIMS family a happy New Year and all the best for a successful 2015.

Be safe.

Mike Schwarz

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