
Essential guide to tanker ship coatings

tanker ships rely on specialized coatings for their onboard tanks to safeguard against corrosion and contamination.
tanker ships rely on specialized coatings for their onboard tanks to safeguard against corrosion and contamination.

According to Britannia P&I Club, who have produced this essential guide to tanker ship coatings, tanker ships rely on specialized coatings for their onboard tanks to safeguard against corrosion and contamination.

The Club has published a guidance tanker ship coatings which explores the different types of coatings, including stainless steel and pure epoxy, giving details of their properties, advantages, and limitations.

A reliable and effective tank coating prevents water and corrosive agents from coming into Continue reading “Essential guide to tanker ship coatings”

Preventing fatalities in enclosed spaces on vessels

The Republic of Liberia has issued guidance to prevent fatalities in enclosed spaces, and highlight the need to establish detailed safety requirements
The Republic of Liberia has issued guidance to prevent fatalities in enclosed spaces, and highlight the need to establish detailed safety requirements

The Republic of Liberia has issued guidance to prevent fatalities in enclosed spaces, and highlight the need to establish detailed safety requirements and recommendations for entering enclosed spaces onboard vessels where there may be an oxygen deficient, oxygen-enriched, flammable and/or toxic atmosphere and ensure proper training of all crew on this subject.

The Administration is in the process of finalizing its investigation into a recent Deck Trainee fatal incident on board a vessel related to Continue reading “Preventing fatalities in enclosed spaces on vessels”

IMPA and NCEMP to assess the impact of remote pilotage

IMPA is collaborating with the NCEMP and the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote pilotage.
IMPA is collaborating with the NCEMP and the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote pilotage.

The International Maritime Pilots’ Association (IMPA) is collaborating with the Canadian National Centre of Expertise on Maritime Pilotage (NCEMP) and the Canadian Coast Guard to assess the feasibility, readiness, and impact of remote pilotage. This initiative aims to provide comprehensive insights into the current and future use of remote pilotage, particularly for conventional ships and those potentially navigated by autonomous systems. Recognizing the crucial role of qualified maritime pilots, the International Maritime Organization emphasizes their importance in ensuring safe navigation in challenging conditions, such as ports. Continue reading “IMPA and NCEMP to assess the impact of remote pilotage”

Increase in deficiencies related to ISPS Code noted by Marshall Islands

a troubling rise in International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) related detentions due to recurring non-compliance issues.
a troubling rise in International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) related detentions due to recurring non-compliance issues.

The Republic of the Marshall Islands Maritime Administrator has observed a troubling rise in International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS) related detentions due to recurring non-compliance issues.

Specifically, deficiencies relating to control of ship access, log keeping, and frequency of security drills have been noted. These deficiencies have led to ships being detained within different Port State Control (PSC) Memoranda of Understanding. Most of these detentions were easily preventable by proper and effective implementation of the Ship Security Plan (SSP). Continue reading “Increase in deficiencies related to ISPS Code noted by Marshall Islands”

How to choose the right marine surveying professional development course for you (and guidance on what to watch out for)

Take time to assess marine surveying professional development course providers before jumping in is the advice
Take time to assess marine surveying professional development course providers before jumping in is the advice

Has your chosen education provider achieved an internationally recognised standard? Today, it seems easy to get duped by seductive marketing and one International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) member is urging others to do their due diligence when signing up for a marine surveying professional development course.

A few years ago, the member in question decided to add another specialisation to their skillset at significant expense. Once they had Continue reading “How to choose the right marine surveying professional development course for you (and guidance on what to watch out for)”

Updated guidelines for steel cargo pre-load surveys

American P&I Club has updated guidelines for steel cargo pre-load surveys
American P&I Club has updated guidelines for steel cargo pre-load surveys

In Circular 23/14 entitled Steel Cargo Pre-Load Surveys: An Update, the American P&I Club has revised its extensive recommendations in regard to the conduct of precautionary surveys of certain steel cargoes to minimize the prospect of spurious steel cargo claims.

Over the period since the first Circular, Members have followed the recommendations it contained and made progress in minimizing and averting the risks, and consequent liabilities, associated with such cargoes. To further clarify what is required of Members regarding the handling of steel cargoes, it has been thought appropriate to revisit and update the Club’s advice to reaffirm best practice going forward. Continue reading “Updated guidelines for steel cargo pre-load surveys”

Isle of Man Ship Registry: Tonnage and Measurement of Ships under 24m Overall Length

The Isle of Man Ship Registry has issued a revised Registry Advice Notice RAN 03
The Isle of Man Ship Registry has issued a revised Registry Advice Notice RAN 03

The Isle of Man Ship Registry has issued a revised Registry Advice Notice RAN 03: Tonnage and Measurement of Ships under 24m Overall Length. The document was published on 14 August 2024.

Before registering with the Isle of Man Ship Registry, all ships under 24m overall length must be surveyed and issued with a ‘Certificate of Survey (Tonnage Measurement)’ specifying vessel tonnage in accordance with Part III of the Merchant Shipping (Tonnage) Regulations 1998. This excludes ships registered on the small ships register and fishing vessels. Continue reading “Isle of Man Ship Registry: Tonnage and Measurement of Ships under 24m Overall Length”

Always inspect all pilot and embarkation ladders to ensure they are genuine

LISCR has published a notice to ensure people are checking pilot ladders are genuine
LISCR has published a notice to ensure people are checking pilot and embarkation ladders are genuine

The Liberia Maritime Authority (LISCR) has published a notice to provide guidance to vessel owners, operators and managers on compliance and maintenance of pilot and embarkation ladders, including notification on counterfeit products and the latest developments from IMO.

The Flag Administration says that several advisories have been issued recently concerning counterfeit pilot and embarkation ladders. In one case, a company copied a certified product and created their own counterfeit certificate for their pilot ladder and then sold the counterfeit product to customers who thought they were purchasing the genuine item. Continue reading “Always inspect all pilot and embarkation ladders to ensure they are genuine”

Transport Malta investigation into fatality on oil tanker Seaprincess

Photo of oil tanker Seaprincess at port
Photo by Thenamaris Ships Management Inc. Taken from Transport Malta Marine Safety Investigation Report on Seaprincess.

The Malta Transport Marine Safety Investigation Unit has released a report into a fatality on board oil tanker Seaprincess. The Maltese-registered ship entered TK Tuzla Shipyard, Türkiye, for its planned dry-docking on 29 July 2023.  At the time of arrival in the dry-dock, all cargo and slop tanks had been washed, cleaned and dried, and declared gas free.  The compartments were tested on a daily basis and while they had been declared to be gas free, they were only suitable for entry provided a personal gas monitor was worn.  Moreover, the compartments’ environment was declared unsafe for hot work.

Continue reading “Transport Malta investigation into fatality on oil tanker Seaprincess”

NTSB report: Flooding and sinking of towing vessel Jacqueline A

Jacqueline A following salvage after the sinking.
Jacqueline A following salvage after the sinking. (Source: NTSB)​​​

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) said released a report on the sinking of the Jacqueline A last year in the Atlantic Ocean, which was due to a lack of watertight integrity.

The towing vessel was en route from Virginia to a Louisiana shipyard, where the vessel was to be brought into compliance with regulations. It began taking on water on 8 August 2023, while off the coast of South Carolina. The three crewmembers, hired for the voyage, abandoned the vessel and were rescued by local emergency responders.

Continue reading “NTSB report: Flooding and sinking of towing vessel Jacqueline A”

IACS adopts two new unified requirements on preventing the loss of seaborne containers

In response to the increasing concerns over the number of containers lost at sea in recent years, IACS has adopted two new Unified Requirements, UR C6 and UR C7, to enhance the cargo securing arrangements of container ships.

Container ships play a vital role in global trade, facilitating the transportation of goods across vast distances. However, the safe transport of this cargo type poses unique challenges, particularly with regards to stowage and securing of containers on onboard vessels. By Continue reading “IACS adopts two new unified requirements on preventing the loss of seaborne containers”

Mental health struggles amongst yacht crew highlighted in ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review

The ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review highlights growing mental health issues for yacht crew
The ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review highlights growing mental health issues for yacht crew

Data from the ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review indicates that yacht crew were more likely to contact ISWAN in relation to mental health concerns or experiences of abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination and violence (ABHDV) than seafarers working in other maritime industries, particularly merchant shipping.

In 2023, the proportion of contacts relating to ABHDV on YachtCrewHelp was more than double the level received by SeafarerHelp, accounting for 7.3% of all issues raised compared to 3.1% on SeafarerHelp. Women were more than five times more likely to report an Continue reading “Mental health struggles amongst yacht crew highlighted in ISWAN YachtCrewHelp 2023 Annual Review”

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