The IIMS publishes a regular monthly electronic News Bulletin that carries up to date information about Head Office activities and initiatives as well as news, details about forthcoming and recent events and current affairs from around the international IIMS family.

All monthly News Bulletins can be viewed in either pdf or eReader formats.

News Bulletin March 2017

IIMS subsidiary, Marine Surveying Academy, which manages the eCMID programme for IMCA, accredited by the Institute, is pleased to announce its first Conference. The special one day Conference will take place on Tuesday 25th April 2017 in Amsterdam by Schiphol Airport from: 09.00 hrs to 16.30 hrs.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News Bulletin March 2017 (pdf format)

News Bulletin February 2017

The date for the IIMS 2017 London Conference has been set. It will take place at Regent’s University on 11 and 12 September to coincide with the start of the important London Shipping Week, which is expected to draw representatives from the maritime industry to the UK from all over the world. The IIMS 2017 Annual General Meeting will take place on 12 September in the afternoon. The Conference dinner is planned for the evening of Monday 11 September at a venue to be announced. The IIMS is now calling for papers for Conference and invites proposals from IIMS members and others in the maritime business who wish to address a group of prominent, international marine surveyors.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News Bulletin February 2017 (pdf format)

News Bulletin January 2017

After a period of review, the IIMS CPD (Continuing Professional Development) scheme is set for a major overhaul in 2017. CPD is required for all members and the IIMS Management Board agreed the roll out of the new programme at their meeting in December. Full details of how to get involved with the new scheme will be announced in the coming weeks, both by email and in writing directly to you.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News Bulletin January 2017 (pdf format)

News Bulletin December 2016

SCWG to be renamed and rebranded as LYSCWG. With effect from 1 January 2017, the IIMS SCWG (Small Craft Working Group) will become known as the LYSCWG (Large Yacht & Small Craft Working Group). IIMS Chairman of Yacht & Small Craft, John Excell, who was behind the decision to rebrand, explained, “There has been a significant shift in the market place with the continuing and exciting developments in the superyacht industry. A number of IIMS members who worked in the sub 24 metre vessels sector have progressed into the area of superyacht surveying, or are interested to do so.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News Bulletin December 2016 (pdf format)

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