We all love to knock new technology it seems don’t we? For many of us, technology can be something of an Achilles heel and because we do not understand it, we go slightly negative and on the defensive! However, I have been genuinely taken aback by the initial feedback following the launch of the IIMS Marine Surveyor Search App last month. Comments received such as “Simplicity itself” and “Fabulous cutting-edge initiative IIMS” have certainly buoyed me up. One gets so close to these projects during the development phase, so it is pleasing to get positive early feedback from real users who see instant benefit. Interestingly only a handful of IIMS members have yet to download the App. I urge you to do so. This is a helpful link to help you do that.
Our first push PR campaign has seen 18 publications pick up and run the story about the new App, including titles as diverse as Boating Business to The Digital Ship and Sea Technology. The early stats are encouraging too with over one hundred App downloads in the first ten days and some activity between those looking for a marine surveyor and the members listed on the App already taking place. I will keep you up-to-date as it develops.
View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS News Bulletin April 2019 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.