The IIMS publishes a regular monthly electronic News Bulletin that carries up to date information about Head Office activities and initiatives as well as news, details about forthcoming and recent events and current affairs from around the international IIMS family.

All monthly News Bulletins can be viewed in either pdf or eReader formats.

News Bulletin April 2019

We all love to knock new technology it seems don’t we? For many of us, technology can be something of an Achilles heel and because we do not understand it, we go slightly negative and on the defensive! However, I have been genuinely taken aback by the initial feedback following the launch of the IIMS Marine Surveyor Search App last month. Comments received such as “Simplicity itself” and “Fabulous cutting-edge initiative IIMS” have certainly buoyed me up. One gets so close to these projects during the development phase, so it is pleasing to get positive early feedback from real users who see instant benefit. Interestingly only a handful of IIMS members have yet to download the App. I urge you to do so. This is a helpful link to help you do that.

Our first push PR campaign has seen 18 publications pick up and run the story about the new App, including titles as diverse as Boating Business to The Digital Ship and Sea Technology. The early stats are encouraging too with over one hundred App downloads in the first ten days and some activity between those looking for a marine surveyor and the members listed on the App already taking place. I will keep you up-to-date as it develops.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS News Bulletin April 2019 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin March 2019

The first quarter of 2019 is proving to be exceptionally busy at IIMS and the Marine Surveying Academy. We are hard at work with several significant initiatives under development and you can expect to see various announcements over the year. The first initiative of the year, however, is launched today. After more than a year of planning and detailed development work, I am delighted to announce the launch of the Marine Surveyor Search App, the third App to be produced for us by eDot solutions in Goa.

All practicing IIMS members will appear on the App free. It is not designed to replace the web site search facility, but in this modern world where people use many methods to find the information they need, it offers another essential marketing route for surveyors to allow potential clients to find you. I would urge you to download the App and check your listing to ensure it is correct and as you wish it to appear. The launch of this exciting new App is being backed by a substantial PR campaign to the marine industry.

And finally, The Report Magazine has been published today and is available to read online as a pdf or in eReader format at . I recommend you to access the 88 page publication and have a read. There are some fascinating articles covering a variety of surveying subjects.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-March-2019 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin February 2019

Two new items of regulation have been released by the UK Maritime & Coastguard Agency in the form of the Workboat Code: Edition 2 and the Intended Pleasure Vessels (IPV) code. The new Workboat Code, in particular, has been eagerly awaited and it is good to see it finally surface. There is more information on both codes in this bulletin and details of how to access and download them both.

I had the absolute pleasure to attend the IIMS Baltimore Conference at the MITAGS Conference Centre alongside James Renn on 17 and 18 January. It proved to be a great event with a detailed and varied programme, delivered by some highly experienced and capable presenters. The event attracted a good number of delegates, many of whom are members of other surveying organisations in America. My personal thanks to James Renn for his considerable efforts to put together such a good programme.

The IIMS social media channels are worth checking out having had a lot of fresh content added in recent days. We have published 30 new videos to the IIMS YouTube Channel – all freely available. In addition, there are now 44 audio podcasts available to listen to as you ‘Train as you Travel’.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-February-2019 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin January 2019

Welcome to the January IIMS News Bulletin, the first of 2019. On behalf of my colleagues and I, let me wish you all the best for a successful and prosperous year ahead.

Almost immediately upon us is the IIMS Baltimore Conference on 18/19 January in North America. James “Randy” Renn has lined up a special looking range of speakers this year across the two days for your benefit. It is worth a look – click here for details of the programme and how to join as a real time or online only delegate.

After a gap, the IIMS London Conference takes centre stage this year once again, being held on 17/18 June. Put this date in your diary now and prepare your travel plans in good time, especially if you need a VISA. The Conference Dinner will take place on Monday 17th June and the AGM on the afternoon of Tuesday 18th June commencing at 14.00. For distant members, the Conference and AGM will be broadcast online.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-January-2019 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin December 2018

As many members know, preparing the Report Magazine is a job I love and being able to call on 30 plus years of publishing experience is my excuse! However, the December Report Magazine takes things to a new level. This issue is the biggest ever that IIMS has ever published at 92 pages. Staying with the Report for a moment, I have written a candid review of 2018 in this edition. This year has seen highs and lows that have stretched me mentally and physically, but as my article states, ultimately it has been a year of progress with some key decisions taken by members to reflect upon.

The past couple of months have seen IIMS out on the road running various training events. It is remarkable to discover that over the past eleven months I have met well over 200 members personally. The events we have run this year have been very varied with a wealth of diverse content. I am pleased to announce our provisional events schedule for 2019 in this bulletin.

HOT NEWS just reaching me comes from your President in Dubai, UAE. Capt Zarir Irani has informed me that the next UAE branch conference (the 10th anniversary edition) taking place towards the end of 2019 will be held on board the famous QE2, now permanently moored in Dubai. Now there’s a mouth-watering prospect.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-December-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

News Bulletin November 2018

As I write this month’s column, my colleagues and I are putting the finishing touches to the Marine Surveying International Fest 2018, which in case you are still not aware, is rapidly approaching now. This 24 hour ONLINE ONLY marathon, undoubtedly one of the most ambitious projects IIMS has ever attempted, starts at 11.00 (UK time) on Tuesday 6th November and concludes at 11.00 (UK time) the following day. One new presentation will start on the hour every hour for 24 hours. I am grateful in advance to my colleagues who will help me host and manage the event round the clock. Black coffee will be on hand!

I was delighted to attend the one-day Symposium in Mumbai in early October. To share a stage with Capt J.C. Anand, Capt. Kapil Dev Bahl and AWJ (Tony) Fernandez, all three of whom are held in the highest esteem and respected for their individual and combined skills, was a special memory. And having the Director General Shipping, Dr Malini Shankar, grace the occasion as our Chief Guest was an honour. The videos made on the day of the presentations will be released for viewing on the IIMS YouTube channel shortly.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-November-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format.

News Bulletin October 2018

I have repeatedly tried to avoid the B word – yes you’ve guessed it, Brexit. I am increasingly being asked by members in the UK and continental Europe what it will mean for surveyors on both sides of the English Channel. In truth, I simply have no answer, no crystal ball and am clearly far less informed than those who are currently conducting the protracted negotiations! I have no intention of pre-empting the outcome, but like others I am increasingly drained by the rhetoric coming from both sides of the argument. What is certain is that we are edging towards an outcome, the impact of which on the UK, continental Europe and marine surveyors cannot yet be understood.

It is a fact that surveyors are often the beneficiaries of work as a result of inclement weather as their services are in high demand when people and insurers try to assess and calculate the damage as the clear up begins. Ships blown on to shore, marinas torn apart, small boats planted in trees are all reminders (as if we needed any) of what can happen. But my thoughts go out to all those who have suffered losses recently through the destruction caused by Hurricane Florence which has ripped through the Carolinas on the US east coast and also Typhoon Mangkhut that has had a similar impact in The Philippines and China. No surveyor would surely ever want to get work this way I am certain, but these crazy weather patterns are keeping surveyors busy.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-October-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format.

News Bulletin September 2018

The past month has been very revealing! I refer to the outcome and findings from the most detailed IIMS membership survey to have been undertaken for four years. The survey findings provide a snapshot of what members think about their organisation, but the verbatim comments – (of which there were dozens and dozens) – reveal far more. Nearly 300 members responded to the survey, equivalent to almost one-third of the membership, a high percentage indeed. A number of these verbatim comments have been captured and published in the Report Magazine September issue, both positive and negative, together with my own personal interpretation of the results. Whilst it is clear that the overwhelming majority of members are generally content with their professional body, there are a few learnings that we can and must take.

I had the pleasure of spending some time with members in South East Asia last month when I hosted the eCMID and IIMS seminars in Singapore for the second year. Both days were a success and well attended. Personally, I found the range of presentations very apt and of great interest as it seems did those present did too. Travelling to new places gives the opportunity to make new contacts. I had a number of side meetings whilst there with some interesting and influential people and the results of those meetings will be seen in the coming months.

View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-September-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format.

News Bulletin August 2018

The past month has seen the UK basking in record high temperatures with rain a seemingly distant but needed prospect – not what us Brits are used to. This meant that the Seawork exhibition, held at Southampton in early July, was a great success due in part to the amazing weather conditions, if a bit warm inside the tented structures. We met a good number of members, students and others interested in the activities of the Institute. This year, the Small Craft Surveyors Forum presentation, held on the afternoon of the middle day, was one of the best – a resounding success and it attracted a strong audience. Read a brief report elsewhere in this bulletin.

It is several years since we undertook the last membership research study. Over the past few years, much has changed at IIMS and it is now a very different organisation which I would describe as outward looking, forward thinking, operating in niche marine sectors and generally embracing technology. We have developed a range of new products and services from launching a series of handy guides and a specialist App to upscaling our small craft and online training offering, developing an effective social media strategy and generally pushing the profile of the Institute higher in the surveying and wider shipping and boating world. So that is why we are asking for your views again at this time.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News-Bulletin-August-2018  (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format.

News Bulletin July 2018

Last week, the IIMS Annual General Meeting 2018 took place at Heathrow Airport near London. This year we streamed the event live and attracted a good online presence. The AGM is always a time to reflect as well as to look ahead and the term ‘out with the old and in with the new’ springs to mind! I refer of course to the changing of the IIMS Presidents this year, always a symbolic moment. On behalf of members and myself I would like to personally thank Adam Brancher for his work as President over the past two years. He has done a sterling job and he has been required to do a bit more than previous Presidents due to circumstances; and I am grateful to him. I bid Capt Zarir Irani a warm welcome as your new President.

It was heartening to see those eligible to vote overwhelmingly accepting the proposal to develop a non-mandatory accreditation scheme for IIMS members. My colleagues and I will now look in earnest to better understand what this might look like and start to develop a framework.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News-Bulletin-July-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format.

News Bulletin June 2018

A busy month completed and another one looms. Yes, June sees the IIMS 2018 Annual General Meeting being held by Heathrow Airport, London on 26 June. For the first time, we are streaming the AGM, which is free to attend, live. I urge you to read my CEO AGM Report ahead of the meeting as it gives details on some of the important activities you are being asked to vote on and to register your vote subsequently if you are a full Member. There are some important matters that I hope you will be of sufficient concern to engage you in this process. Full details of how to do that and how to get involved with the AGM are included in this news bulletin. Remember, it is your Institute and you can help to shape our future.

I alluded to May being a busy month and it was. As you know, I relish the chance to meet members. Both the recent tonnage measurement and Certifying Authority training days gave me ample opportunity to greet a number of members. Hard on the heels of these two events was the third eCMId AVI seminar, which we presented and held close to London. It was a great success and once again highlights the Institute’s ability to get involved in some key, associated industry sectors through its subsidiary, the Marine Surveying Academy, which is continuing to grow in stature and importance.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News-Bulletin-June-2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format

News Bulletin May 2018

Rules and regulations – love them or hate them – seem to be very much the flavour of this month. The three recent ones I’d like to draw your attention to particularly and mention in a bit more detail in this news bulletin are the looming EU General data protection Regulation, International Maritime Organization’s strategy on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from ships and the new Yacht Code under development by the Red Ensign Group. And whilst not all three launch this month, it is the fact that such diverse bits of regulation should be in the news together reminding me of the wide range of skills a marine surveyor needs to master (or at least have a grip on) as business knowledge combines with technical knowledge and maritime regulation to potentially create the perfect storm.

Let me start with the new EU General data protection Regulation (GDPR) that comes into force on 25 May. Quite simply, it is a major overhaul on the way a business gathers, stores and uses personal data. In view of the recent Facebook revelations that have shaken the world, most would say this is a good thing. Importantly, however, it is not just EU based organisations that will need to comply.

View the bulletin to continue reading: News Bulletin May 2018 (pdf format) or click to read it in e-reader format

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