News Bulletin October 2021

View the news bulletin in full to continue reading: News Bulletin October 2021 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.

At the start of last month, I had the pleasure to stand shoulder to shoulder with colleagues from four other well-known UK-based professional maritime organisations onboard HQS Wellington in London. The reason? We were onboard to launch The Maritime Professional Council of the UK (MPC). The event attracted over forty VIP guests, including three members of the House of Lords. Launching a new lobbying group is a bold initiative. Our collective desire to want to assist the lawmakers to make better maritime regulations, based on knowledge and experience, is a genuine one.

And on the subject of collaboration with other organisations, I’d like to mention our support for the Norman Finlay Memorial Development Scheme, which is designed to increase the amount of small commercial vessel seafarers and those with a passion for these types of craft moving into advanced careers ashore within the sector.

President, Geoff Waddington, has written a hard-hitting article entitled ‘Beware the challenges of surveying steel hull inland waterways craft – and other considerations’. If this is the type of surveying you are engaged in, I would urge you to read Geoff’s article and to take note.

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