Welcome to the January IIMS News Bulletin, the first of 2019. On behalf of my colleagues and I, let me wish you all the best for a successful and prosperous year ahead.
Almost immediately upon us is the IIMS Baltimore Conference on 18/19 January in North America. James “Randy” Renn has lined up a special looking range of speakers this year across the two days for your benefit. It is worth a look – click here for details of the programme and how to join as a real time or online only delegate.
After a gap, the IIMS London Conference takes centre stage this year once again, being held on 17/18 June. Put this date in your diary now and prepare your travel plans in good time, especially if you need a VISA. The Conference Dinner will take place on Monday 17th June and the AGM on the afternoon of Tuesday 18th June commencing at 14.00. For distant members, the Conference and AGM will be broadcast online.
View the bulletin to continue reading: IIMS-News-Bulletin-January-2019 (pdf format) or click to read it in eReader format.