New diesel injector set to change fuel systems and reduce emissions

The new RK Lab diesel injector is set to change the fuel system  landscape and reduce emissions
The new RK Lab diesel injector is set to change the fuel system landscape and reduce emissions

A new type of diesel injector developed by a Swiss company, RK Lab AG, is claimed to be about to change the face of diesel engine fuel systems and at the same time to reduce emissions.

Not only is this new injector claimed to increase the efficiency of diesel engines, but it is also claimed to greatly simplify the fuel system, removing the need for complex common rail fuel systems.

At the heart of this new fuel system is the self-pressurised RK Injector which utilises the pressure from the piston compression in the combustion chamber to power the injector and to provide a much more efficient fuel spray into the combustion chamber. The diesel fuel is injected in about 180 tiny droplets under a pressure of more than 5,000 bar.

Switzerland based RK Lab AG is developing this self-pressurising diesel fuel injector that the company said has the potential to reduce engine emissions dramatically. The RK Injector is a direct replacement for current common rail diesel fuel injection systems and offers a significant reduction in cost, weight, and both NOx and particulate emissions, the company said. It is also claimed to offer 15% or greater fuel efficiency improvement.

“As a self-pressurising diesel injector, the RK Injector receives its initial compression from the piston compression in the combustion chamber. The RK Injector multiplies this initial combustion chamber pressure within the injector and forces the diesel fuel into the combustion chamber at significantly higher pressure through up to 180 tiny holes in the injector.” a spokesperson for the company commented.

RK Lab said that with the RK injector system, the ultra-high pressures through a very large number of smaller injection holes creates optimal combustion conditions within the combustion chamber. The combination of high pressure and smaller fuel droplet size combines to create a lower combustion temperature.

“The dispersal nozzle of the RK diesel injector injects the diesel in about 180 tiny droplets under more than 5,000 bar pressure in a spray pattern that further improves the combustion process. Comparing this with the current, common rail injection system where the injectors have as few as four to eight holes is the key to increased efficiency.” the spokesperson said.

According to RK Lab, this atomization of the fuel particles improves the mixing of the air and fuel in the combustion chamber, which not only improves the combustion process but also lowers the temperature and the compression within the combustion chamber. Developing a more complete combustion of the fuel at lower temperature and lower combustion compressions leads to better fuel economy, a reduction in particulate emissions and the reduction in NOx.

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