We are never too old as a month of learning opportunities looms

The IIMS web site attracted a record number of unique visitors recently
The IIMS web site attracted a record number of unique visitors recently

The month of November is looming large and for IIMS that means a busy month of training, seminars and a Conference too. Yes the coming weeks will see IIMS personnel out and about meeting members from all over the UK and further afield too. I recommend the programme of events we have put together for your benefit over the coming weeks and hope to meet many members at them. And remember if you cannot be there in person, some of the events you can attend in an online capacity using the Zoom option. Full details about the upcoming events can be found elsewhere on the web site.

But in brief, we kick off with the Large Yacht & Small Craft Working Group Scotland two day training event by Glasgow Airport on Monday 6 and Tuesday 7 November. This is rapidly followed by the Large Yacht & Small Craft Working Group ‘Super’ training day near Portsmouth a week later on Monday 13 November. The week after sees the Certifying Authority two day training event taking place in south Devon (and surveyors who are not CA surveyors are more than welcome to attend).  The month finishes with the IIMS UAE Branch 5th Biennial Conference in Dubai.

I am pleased to welcome Kate Davey, who joined IIMS last month, in the role of Management Accountant & Senior Bookkeeper. I am sure you will join me in wishing her good luck in her new role.

The recent October education intake for the distance learning IIMS Professional Qualifications hit a new record mark when nearly 30 students signed up to start the programme. Perhaps there is much to be positive about the next generation of marine surveyors?

The IIMS web site has reached two milestones in recent weeks. Last month, for the first time, the site attracted over 18,000 unique visitors to iims.org.uk – quite remarkable and it has become an invaluable resource since its launch accessed by not just surveyors but others with an interest in the surveying world! The other milestone was passed recently when we published our 1,000th news story.

What have the International Fisherman Day, International Jazz Day, International Nurses Day, International Lefthanders Day and International Coffee Day got in common? They are days of special events that bring people together from across the globe to celebrate a specific theme. Now ssshhhhhh, don’t tell everyone just yet, but in 2018, marine surveyors too will get their very own special day! Watch this space for more information coming soon.

Survey well.

Mike Schwarz
Chief Executive Officer

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