Midsummer madness

Life at IIMS is always challenging. Trying to keep nearly 1,000 members, who work in every conceivable area of marine surveying in its broadest sense, content is never a simple task. So I have been particularly pleased to have heard from a large number of members on three counts in the past month. Firstly, I am grateful that members took the opportunity to write and tell me what a great edition number 80 of The Report magazine was. Indeed some said the best they had ever read. I cannot disagree. It was, in my opinion, a comprehensive publication touching many areas of your profession. If you have not read it, I encourage you to do so by clicking this link.

The second cause for member reaction followed the launch of Version II of the IIMS CPD App. A small handful of members have reported one or two issues with the iOS version, so if you are having problems, please let head office know. But putting that aside, a good number of members have written to say how much they appreciate this development to what was an age old problem.

And the third cause is as a result of a short article I received from a member about the perils potentially awaiting surveyors who undertake valuations. I published the article on the IIMS website and on the Institute’s LinkedIn discussion group. The group lit up with many surveyors leaving comments and contacting me. I have commissioned a special article on this subject to be published in the September Report magazine, because there is case law going back some 40 years that surveyors need to be aware of. Read the article here.

June was a busy month and unusually we reached 30+ degrees Celsius on 21st June – the longest day of the year here. A management Board meeting, followed by Seawork, an eCMID course and more.

Briefly looking forward, the IIMS and eCMID AVI three day seminar in Singapore (31 July to 2 August) is taking shape and looks like being well attended. And it is now time to start to seriously think about the IIMS London Conference and AGM on 11/12 September. We have two great days of conferencing lined up with a very varied and interesting looking speaker line up.

Survey well.

Mike Schwarz

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