Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and The Code of practice has been used by manufacturers, service providers, and others as part of their day-to-day work. Many manufacturers have reported clients requiring compliance with the Code as a basis for contractual negotiations.
While previous versions focused on the design, manufacture and operation of vessels, with significant focus on skills, training, cyber security, pilotage, dynamic positioning, and Vessel Data Recording, Version 5 adds guidance on:
– Certification and registration;
– Training and Certification scheme for Dynamic Positioning (DP) Station Keeping Systems for Remote Operations (Remote DP Operator Certificate);
– Vessel Data Recording;
– Safety culture;
– Navigation products and data;
– Reporting of marine casualties, incidents and near misses;
– Managing Remote Control Centre (RCC) workforce wellbeing.
“Autonomy is changing the way we live and work, and it’s therefore vital that ahead of regulation, the working group continues to provide robust guidance on MASS to those that need it”, Sarah Kenny, Chair of Maritime UK, said, with Robert Courts MP, Maritime Minister at the Department for Transport, adding that “autonomous shipping has the potential to drive forward the global maritime sector.”
Maritime Autonomous Ship Systems UK Industry Conduct Principles and the Code of Practice provides the ideal focus to enable industry to develop ahead of the eventual regulatory framework. Version 5 of the Code of Practice provides the platform for a variety of important updates with some new and revised guidance explained James Fanshawe, the MASRWG Chair.
Download the document: Maritime UK Code for Autonomous Ships Version 5