MAIB releases its first safety digest of 2018 featuring 25 case studies

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB) has published a collection of 25 case studies in its first collection of case studies for 2018. The seventy-one page publication covers a variety of accidents reported and investigated in recent months across the commercial, fishing and recreational boating sectors.

The information in the safety digest is published to inform the shipping and fishing industries, the pleasure craft community and the public of the general circumstances of marine accidents and to draw out the lessons to be learned. The sole purpose of the safety digest is to prevent similar accidents happening again. The content must necessarily be regarded as tentative and subject to alteration or correction if additional evidence becomes available. The articles do not assign fault or blame nor do they determine liability. The lessons often extend beyond the events of the incidents themselves to ensure the maximum value can be achieved.

As Steve Clinch MNM, Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents says in his introduction, “This edition of the Safety Digest contains an eclectic mix of safety lessons. Every accident provides a learning opportunity which often transcends traditional operational barriers. The importance of maintaining a proper lookout (Case 1), conducting effective passage planning (Case 3) and applying sensible maintenance regimes (Cases 4, 11, 14) has relevance for all sectors of our industry, as do the benefits of being prepared and doing the right thing when there is an emergency (Cases 19, 20, 23, 25). I would, therefore, urge you to take the time to read all the articles in this Digest – it is better to learn from the experiences of other seafarers, no matter what their background, than experience similar trauma first.”

Read the digest: MAIB Safety Digest 1-2018

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