The Maritime & Coastguard Agency has published a new leaflet for life-saving signals which will be used by ships, aircraft or persons in distress when communicating with life-saving stations, maritime rescue units and aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations. The leaflet includes pictures and descriptive information on the different types of signals you can use when in distress at sea.
This life-saving signals leaflet covers things like:
– Surface to air signals
– Air to surface direction signals
– Shore to ship signals
– Air to surface replies
– Surface to air replies
All of these signals include morse code alternatives.
The signals illustrated in the leaflet are those to be used by any ship or person in distress when communicating with search and rescue units. They have been agreed internationally for this purpose and it is important that you are familiar with them to ensure they are correctly used in distress situations.
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS), as amended, in Regulation 29 of Chapter
V requires you to have access to this table. You are advised to keep a copy on board, or if this is not practicable, at least to study the table before you go boating.
Download the new signals leaflet: MCA Life Saving Signals