Britannia P&I Club has issued loss prevention guidance to the maritime industry about tugboat girting. Girting is a situation whereby a tug is towed broadside by a towline and is unable to manoeuvre out of this position. Deck-edge immersion then occurs, quickly followed by flooding and capsizing, unless the towline is released in good time. This can happen very quickly and does not allow the tug crew enough time to abandon the tug before it capsizes.
Training: The vessel’s crew must be properly trained in the causes and possibility of tugboat girting. Avoiding excessive loads and ensuring proper weight distribution can minimise the risk of overturning. Ensuring proper weight distribution can minimise the overturning moment of the towing gear and avoid excessive loads. Tug crews should develop and practice their emergency response procedure for the possibility of girting and subsequent capsize.
Quick release: In the event of a tugboat girting it is crucial to have a reliable quick-release mechanism in place. This mechanism should be easily activated from both the local area and the wheelhouse to ensure a swift response in case of emergencies. Regular and competent maintenance of the equipment is vital to ensure its proper functioning.
Watertight integrity: During towing operations, it is important to keep all openings closed to prevent water ingress and maintain stability, including watertight doors. A checklist that includes a verification of closed arrangements should be utilised. In the event of tension in the towline causing the tug to tilt and the deck edge to be submerged, having watertight integrity on the weather deck will provide a crucial delay in down flooding. This delay allows for the activation of the quick release mechanism, manoeuvring the tug to reduce tension in the towline, and enabling personnel to safely escape from the engine room and accommodation area to the deck. To ensure the effectiveness of these safety measures, regular inspection and testing of watertight and weathertight doors, hatches, vents, windows, ports, side scuttles, seals, securing devices, and automatic closing devices on ventilators should be included in the tugboat’s planned maintenance system.
Use of gog/gob wire: Using a gog/gob wire can provide additional stability and control, further enhancing the safety of tugboat operations. This arrangement should be adjusted correctly in accordance with industry standards, and often the gog wire should not exceed half the distance between the bulwarks or crash rails. In cases where a central securing point is not available, gog wires may be connected to padeyes on both sides of the main deck aft. This can help limit the transverse movement of the towline, ensuring safer towing operations.