Isle of Man Registry launches consultation and a blueprint for the future

The Isle of Man Ship registry has announced a new consultation and a timescale for delivery of major changes to the structure of its operating models and fees. The proposed changes are expected to exceed current and predicted expectations for a modern, progressive registry operation.

The proposed changes will provide full delegation of statutory surveys and inspections to Classification Societies as well as providing a new programme of Flag State Inspections to satisfy international Flag State obligations to the International Maritime Organisation. The Registry will also simplify its fees to provide a more competitive and predictable fee structure.

Dick Welsh, Director of the Isle of Man Ship Registry, commented:
“This is a change we have been planning for some time. It is the game changing final step in the delegation to Recognised Organisations which will place the Isle of Man in a more competitive position whilst improving the service levels for which it is renowned.”

The changes to the operating model include:
Full Delegation to Class – allowing owners to take advantage of class block fee schemes.
A new Flag State Inspection programme – using exclusive surveyors providing real oversight of ship condition and operation as well as the monitoring of statutory work undertaken on behalf of the Isle of Man Ship Registry. Operators will receive full reports on this work.
A Consolidated Fees Scheme – providing owners with simple and easy comparisons against the World’s leading Flag States, demonstrating the true value for money for operators.

Dick Welsh added:
“We are announcing the change at this time in conjunction with the other Red Ensign registers and I see this as a major step forward in taking responsibility for our Flag State obligations.

“We will provide real value-added ship inspections and regulatory oversight which will provide useful feedback for operators. In addition the new simplified fee scheme will provide a more equitable and predictable cost base; allowing owners and operators to budget more effectively for Flag State costs.”

Read the consultation document in full: IOM-2017-change-development-consultation-2016_09

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