IIMS Report Writing course date announced

IIMS is holding its next report writing course in February
IIMS is holding its next report writing course in February

You may have read the article in the September Report Magazine – Report Writing is certainly not a dying Art! – which is also available to read on this site.

The IIMS is aware that in a number of cases the reports written by some surveyors could be improved, which is why they are running three or four courses per year on this very topic. The next report writing course will run for one day on 10 February 2015 and will be held at our Portchester offices.

The main aim of the report writing course is to provide the attendees with as much information as possible in one day so they can pick out the areas which they feel will improve the quality of their own reports. This course will cover the importance of informing your client of your Terms & Conditions and the type of information you should include. Examples will be given. We will discuss Contracts and how these should be constructed and used and their importance.

The course is run on an informal basis and does not set out to totally change your report writing skills, or the way you write them, but more to provide you with additional information so you can improve the presentation of your own reports and protect yourself against litigious claims, which are currently on the rise.
The report writing course will consist of a discussion with the presenter and you will be invited to ask questions and points raised will be discussed in detail. The main core of the course will be a powerpoint presentation.

Refreshments and lunch will be provided and a full set of course notes will be available for you to take away along with other useful hand outs to assist you in your future reports. You will also gain valuable CPD points for attending.

If you are thinking of applying to upgrade your membership you should be aware that your report writing ability will have a major influence on this. All members wishing to upgrade are required to provide at least one report for inspection by the committee. This course will help you to hone your skills in order to achieve this.

There are still places available on this course. The cost is just £50 and respresents excellent value for money. You can apply by contacting the office on +44 (0) 23 9238 5223 or by email. Jan Cox will register you for attendance.

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