IIMS publishes ‘What A Marine Surveyor Needs To Know About On-Off Hire Condition And Bunker Surveys’ handy guide

On-Off hire condition bunker surveys are a requirement for the commercial trade of vessels in that vessels are hired from their Owners by Charterers who trade the cargo internationally. The survey of the vessel is undertaken either before the vessel is delivered into a Charter, or re-delivered from a Charter. The reports should include a detailed description of the vessel itself, the structural condition of the cargo spaces and main deck areas surrounding the various cargo compartments and hatches, the ship’s hatch covers, the cargo gear and space. Additionally, you will inspect and report on paint coating and cleanliness, the quantity of bunkers remaining on board, verification of the validity with respect to the vessel’s certification, portable equipment and securing materials, container securing equipment and so on.

In this handy guide, the twenty third to be published by IIMS in its series entitled ‘What a marine surveyor needs to know about’, Capt Allen Brink brings his many years’ experience into play. At an impressive 244 pages, the publication contains examples of a number of templated reports which the surveyor can adapt for his/her use. There are photos to assist, diagrams and examples of the certification the surveyor needs to inspect and report too. The handy guide also contains a detailed appendix with a selection of marine terms, to assist the marine surveyor when conducting inspections of ships for charter purposes.

About the author
Captain Allen Brink qualified as a Master Mariner in 1979 and following on from his seagoing career, he set up an independent marine surveying company, A.R. Brink & Associates, in 1983. This surveying company, with its headquarters in Durban, South Africa, has expanded over the years to one which serves an international base of clients in all ports surrounding Southern Africa including Mozambique, Namibia, the Indian Ocean Islands and certain West African locations.

Captain Brink was instrumental in the formation of the International Institute of Marine Surveying and is a Director of IIMS Limited (UK). He served as the President of the IIMS during the period
2007 and 2010 amd is an Honorary Fellow of the Institute.

Additionally, Captain Brink is a Fellow of The Nautical Institute (FNI) and at the time of publication, the Vice President. He is also a Fellow of The Royal Institute of Navigation (FRIN) (London; www.rin.org.uk, a Fellow of the Society of Consulting Marine Engineers and Ship Surveyors (FCMS) and is a “Freeman and Liveryman” of the Honourable Company of Master Mariners and has recently been awarded Chartered Master Mariner status.

What A Marine Surveyor Needs To Know About On-Off Hire Condition And Bunker Surveys is available in paperback at £30 plus post and packaging or as a downloadable eBook for just £28. Click for more information and to purchase a copy.

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