At the Conference dinner, held at Chilworth Manor, Southampton on Tuesday 6th June, IIMS chose this occasion to publicly recognise two people who have made a big contribution to Institute life, but in very different ways by honoring them with blue water awards. Here is a transcript from Mike Schwarz’s dinner speech announcing the presentations, which were presented by Peter Broad, IIMS President.
He said, “It is now my pleasure to announce two prestigious Blue Water Awards and in doing so, I am recognizing two people who have been fundamental in underpinning the work of the Institute over many years. Both are long-standing friends and colleagues from entirely different industry sectors and backgrounds.
“Karen Brain is someone who has never shied away when I have asked her to give a talk to members, or to write an article for The Report Magazine. She has run the very successful PI insurance scheme for IIMS members and has helped many a surveyor who has faced insurance challenges, particularly in recent times post Brexit. I am immensely grateful to you Karen and it gives me huge pleasure to invite you to come up to receive the first Blue Water Award this evening.
“IIMS subsidiary, the Marine Surveying Academy, has had great success in the area of superyacht coatings inspector training through its Registered Marine Coatings Inspector qualification over the past nine years. Some years ago, we publicly recognized Ken Hickling for his help in this area. Ken is here tonight but sadly I can’t give you another award Ken, although Hilary and I remain deeply grateful for everything you have done to develop and promote the RMCI programme.
“I can, however, publicly recognize Gareth Thomas of Akzo Nobel who, along with Ken, has done the most impressive job of repurposing the RMCI content and reinvigorating the programme. I met Gareth on my first trip to METS in Amsterdam when he was but a sallow youth and me a mere young middle-aged man! Look what’s happened since! Gareth it gives me great pleasure to ask you to step forward to accept this Blue Water Award.”