In response to interest expressed recently by IIMS members, a decision has been taken to form a new inland waterways working group. IIMS member, Chris Williams, has agreed to head up the group (supported by several others) under the auspices of Large Yacht & Small Craft Working Group Chairman, John Excell. The initial intention of the group is to meet formally twice a year for training days around the UK and to communicate and network through various social media channels to share information and best inland waterways surveying practice. The first practical training event is planned for Thursday 19 April 2018 at Croxley Green, Watford at the P&S Marine Yard on the Grand Union Canal hosted by Ralph Kitts and Tom Pattle.
The schedule for the day is as follows:
09.00 – 10.30: Practical welding session and inspecting good and bad welds.
10.30 – 10.50: Coffee.
10.50 – 12.30: Surveying a narrowboat, to include ultrasonic testing and where to take readings. Hammer – where to hit the vessel. Pitting. Welds.
12.30 – 13.45: Lunch at the Rising Sun (included in the delegate fee).
13.45 – 14.45: How to translate the survey results into a report.
14.45 – 16.30: Overplating discussion including a presentation from Jeffrey Casciani-Wood with a view to creating some surveyor guidance notes.
The cost of the training day is £120 to include lunch at the nearby Rising Sun, tea, coffee and a copy of the introduction to manual metal arc stick welding. To reserve your place use the reservation form below and we will invoice you. Alternatively, call Cathryn Ward on + 44 23 9238 5223 or email her.