IIMS events calendar for 2015 published

The 2015 IIMS events calendar is available to download as a pdf
The 2015 IIMS events calendar is available to download as a pdf

Whilst the IIMS events calendar for this year can all be found and read on this web site here, the Institute has also produced a pdf copy of its forthcoming events for 2015.

To access the IIMS events calendar in pdf format click IIMS 2015 Calendar of Events.  Print it out and pop it on your wall and use it as an aide memoir.

We have events planned for the UK (London, Bristol, Southampton and Portchester), Dubai, Adelaide and Palma.

What to expect and who should attend these IIMS events?
The IIMS runs these events for the benefit primarily of its members, although non members may participate too. You can pick up a valuable 5 CPD points by attending an IIMS organised event. We aim to keep the cost of attending our conferences and events reasonable and fair. We hope that the content of each event will not only interest you, but enable you to learn something new to help you in your role as a marine surveyor. It also gives you the opportunity to network and share issues with other marine surveyors who are facing similar challenges and issues as you.

Who should attend the Small Craft Working Group (SCWG) Training Days?
Clearly from the title of the meeting, these events are aimed directly at small craft surveyors and that is reflected in the programme. The groups tend to be quite intimate. Sometimes we will invite a guest speaker to present on a particular topic. And it is not just all about marine surveying either. At some of the SCWG meetings we share business management information too. A small charge applies for each event. Open to all members. We particularly draw your attention to the SCWG ‘Super’ day on Monday 5 October, which we aim to make something special. And it is deliberately back to back with the CA training day the following day to allow small craft members to attend both.

Who should attend the Certifying Authority Training Days?
It is a requirement of all IIMS CA examiners to attend at least one of the two annual CA training days. We try to keep the training practical and topics such as heel tests and stability, tonnage surveys and MLC 2006 are usually on the programme somewhere! Other IIMS members who are not CA examiners may attend.

Who should attend the IIMS London Conference & AGM?
This prestigious event is open to all IIMS members and non members alike. The Institute comes together to deliver two days of thought provoking, high quality presentations. The Conference dinner takes place on the Monday evening. And the Institute’s AGM takes place in the afternoon on 8 September.

The IIMS Australia Technical Workshop in June and IIMS UAE Conference in November are open to members and non members. The same applies to the ‘Workboats and Surveyors’ seminar at the Seawork Exhibition in June – open to all to attend.

We look forward to welcoming you to an IIMS event soon and please do support your Institute’s events in 2015.

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