The full programme has been unveiled for the two day workshop being organised by the IIMS Australia branch in Port Adelaide, South Australia, on Thursday 18 and Friday 19 June 2015.
The venue is the Australian Fisheries and Maritime Academy at Port Adelaide and the theme of the event is: ‘Marine Surveying 2015-2020. Change and Challenge.’
Following are full details about the speakers, information about the venue, dinner, travel and things do do whilst you are in Adelaide. The IIMS head office team would like to personally thank the Australian branch for their efforts to put on what is sure to prove to be a first class and educational event.
DAY 1 theme: Marine Surveying Business Essentials
09.30-10.30 Registration and coffee/networking
10.30-10.35 Welcome to country and welcome to the workshop by CEO IIMS and Chair IIMS Australia Branch
10.35-11.00 Keynote: Mike Schwarz CEO IIMS 2015 Update
11.05-11.50 Non-destructive evaluation techniques and tools for marine surveys (hands on demos available throughout day 1) by Russell Fraser
11.55-12.30 Mr Bob Miller, CEO AFMA ‘Seafarer Training in Australia’
12.30-1330 Light healthy lunch and networking
1335- 14.20 Becoming an AMSA Accredited domestic commercial vessel surveyor- Team Leader Surveyor Accreditation- AMSA
14.25-15.05 Kevin Jones, Director South Australia Maritime Museum: ‘The challenges of keeping volunteer run heritage vessels in survey and operation’
15.15- 16.15 Running a survey business in Australia in 2015 and into the future: opportunities, problems and challenges. Invited panel and workshop with Q&A’s
16.15-17.15 Branch AGM. Members and prospective members may attend. Separate agenda will be supplied. Branch positions will be discussed as will finances, strategy and future activities. Your chance to have your say.
Those not attending the AGM may choose to explore the heritage marine precinct in the vicinity.
18.00-19.00 Networking drinks at the British Hotel Lover Bar. Casual and informal Dinner
The British Hotel Port Adelaide 1900 for 1930. Dress casual (about a 2 minute walk from the workshop venue).Please note that you must indicate that you wish to attend when you book. Partners most welcome.
Day 2 theme: Human Elements in Marine Surveying
By 08.00 Assemble on wharf for practical demonstration of compass adjustment (exact location to be advised the previous day).
08.00-09.15 Compass adjustments: Theory and practice on vessel by Capt Peter Lambert FIIMS
09.30-10.15 Keynote: Professor Gary Wittert University of Adelaide Men’s Health Issues
10.15-10.45 Healthy morning tea and networking to follow previous talk!
10.45-11.15 Surveyors role in Safety management systems- Wes Oswin AMSA
11.20-11.50 Human Elements- risk, fatigue, bridge management and the surveyor- AMC
11.55-12.30 Final Workshop Open Forum
12.30-12.45 Final Remarks and Close-CEO IIMS & Australian Branch Committee
12.45-13.30 Lunch and depart
Please note that speakers are currently confirmed however sometimes need to be changed at short notice. The organisers reserve the right to amend the programme if it’s necessary to do so.
Workshop cost
The workshop cost is $100 per person for members of IIMS. Members of AIMS, RINA and IMAREst are able to attend at the same cost. Non-members cost is $120 per person. This includes attendance, refreshment and lunches both days. A limited number of student places are available. Please contact the organiser for details. For those wishing to attend the dinner the cost is $45 per person. Partners are most welcome to attend. Spaces are limited so first come first confirmed.
To reserve your place at the workshop
Places are limited so please do not delay in booking. Bookings and queries can be directed to Karin Powell by email.
Telephone: 0411 157 985
If booking by email please include your name and title, membership details if any and any special dietary needs you have. If attending the dinner please indicate so and include your partners name if applicable.
Bank deposits can be made directly to:
BSB: 012129
ACC: 263774972
Please include your name with the transfer. Receipts will be issued at the workshop. Please do not hesitate to get in touch if there are any queries.
CPD. This event counts as a maximum 5 points and certificates will be issued to all attending.
About the venue
The workshop will be held at the Australian Maritime and Fisheries Academy by the kind support of the Board and CEO Mr Bob Miller. It is a major training centre for the maritime industry and is undergoing a period of rapid national and international expansion. Venue maps and an excellent overview of AMFA may be found here.
There is a workshop dinner at the British Hotel on the Thursday night with a choice of menu for a maximum of 50 people. 19.00 for 19.30. Cost per person is $45.00 Dress will be Australian casual. For those attending menu choices will be requested a few weeks prior to the workshop.
Dress will be casual for the workshop and the dinner. It’s the start of winter so expect about 20 degrees during the day and about 10 degrees at night.
Flights and Accommodation
The venue is about 25 minutes from the airport. Adelaide is served by Qantas, Virgin, Qantas and Tiger as well as Singapore and Malaysia airlines. All other international airlines come in via Perth, Melbourne Brisbane or Sydney.
There is plenty of accommodation locally. Close by are the West Lakes Resort and the Largs Pier, as well as a number of beach side caravan parks which are comfortable. Try looking at Trivago for information, or any of the other hotel booking websites for details and deals. A tip is to put in a proximity from Port Adelaide into the search criteria so you are within easy travel distance of the venue.
Taxis are plentiful and there is a train that stops about 1km from the venue if you are coming in from the City.
Port Adelaide has a rich and interesting history. Some good websites to explore include:
Port Adelaide Wikipedia
Historical Port Adelaide
There are always plenty of events on in SA and the local what’s on website may be helpful as a way to find out what might interest you. The workshop has been timed to allow you to either head home at a reasonable time, or to stay on and have a short break in a fascinating area.
Some interesting links to information on the speakers and their topics:
Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO IIMS web site
Russell Fraser web site
AMSA Surveyor Accreditation web site
SA Maritime Museum web site
Professor Gary Wittert web site
AMSA Safety Management web site