IIMS has secured the Old Library in the Lloyds of London building for the IIMS London Conference on 7-8 September. The meeting will be held in the historic splendour of what must surely rank as one of the city’s most spectacular and famous venues in the ‘Square Mile’.
The Old Library was built in 1928 and is one of the few libraries in London not to contain any books! The modern Lloyds building at 1 Lime Street was designed by architect Richard Rogers and built between 1978 and 1986. It incorporates the Old Library in to the more recent structure. Lloyds stands out as one of the most unique landmarks on the London skyline. But the Old Library elegantly complements the traditional with the modern architecture. This historic space is oak panelled with impressive hand-carvings of 17th and 18th century sailing vessels and has a gallery providing additional seating.
Now the process has begun to assemble the best possible line up of speakers for the IIMS London Conference to ensure the event is successful and memorable, befitting such an excellent venue.
The provisional schedule for the IIMS London Conference (subject to change) is as follows:
Monday 7 September 2015
08.30 Registration opens
09.30 Conference morning session starts
12.45 Luncheon
14.00 Conference afternoon session starts
17.30 Conference close
19.15 Conference Dinner (venue to be confirmed)
Tuesday 8 September 2015
08.00 Registration opens and breakfast
08.30 Breakfast briefing
08.50 Conference session starts
11.00 Conference closes

At 11.00 hours delegates have a choice. There will be an organised tour, (for those who want it), which will be conducted by an expert. The guide will take members to see the Lutine Bell and some of the historical artefacts on display at Lloyds. Space will be limited.
If you prefer not to do the tour, you are invited to join other delegates and some of the IIMS head office staff at a nearby hotel for coffee and some networking followed by lunch at 12.45. The IIMS AGM will then take place starting at 14.00 in the same hotel (venue to be announced).
If you are interested in presenting a paper at the IIMS London Conference please contact Sam Legg at IIMS HQ by email to express your interest.
Watch for details as the programme takes shape. Put the date in your diary. The IIMS head office teams looks forward to welcoming many members (and non members too) to the IIMS London Conference at Lloyds in September.