After a successful survey, DNV GL and the Danish Maritime Authority have confirmed that the AHTS Magne Viking, owned by Viking Supply Ships, is in compliance with the new IMO Polar Code.
“Having followed the development of the Polar Code for some years, it is a great achievement to finally survey the first vessel to comply with the Code,” said Morten Mejlænder-Larsen, who is responsible for Arctic and Polar activities at DNV GL – Maritime.
Based on long experience from Arctic operations in low temperatures and ice covered waters, Viking Supply Ships saw the value in the IMO Polar Code and decided to implement it early on. The process has included updates of vessel and equipment, as well as providing the required documentation.
“As this vessel was already winterized and built for operation in cold climate, most of the additional requirements in the Polar Code were already fulfilled before we started the implementation process,” says Andreas Kjøl, Project Director at Viking Supply Ships.
The IMO Polar Code is mandatory for all SOLAS vessel entering Arctic and Antarctic waters from 1 January 2017. The Code is an add-on to existing IMO codes where the main requirements are related to safety (SOLAS) and protection of the environment (MARPOL). DNV GL will, on behalf of the Flag Authorities, issue the Polar Ship Certificate for vessels complying with the new code.
Magne Viking is an ice-classed AHTS vessel capable of operations in harsh environment offshore regions, as well as Arctic/Sub-Arctic operations. The DNV GL classed vessel is owned and operated by Viking Supply Ships.