IIMS Certifying Authority Spring 2018 training day


All Day


1 Access Point, Northarbour Road, Cosham, Portsmouth, Hampshire, PO6 3TE

Event Type

The Spring training day for the IIMS Certifying Authority surveyors and examiners (which is equally open to non Certifying Authority surveyors to attend) will take place on Tuesday 15 May 2018 at PETA near Portsmouth. If you cannot make the date in person, you are most welcome to join as an online delegate.

Full details of the location are:
PETA, 1 Access Point, Northarbour Road, Portsmouth, Hampshire PO6 3TE

0915 Registration
0945 Fire detection and suppression in sub 24 metre vessels presented by Rob Aldous, Fireboy-Xintex
1120 Coffee
1140 Accident reporting and its importance
1230 Lunch
1330 Life raft specification and associated servicing presented by Alistair Hackett, 3si Ocean Safety
1510 Tea
1530 Updates on recent documents issued by the MCA affecting surveyors and practical advice/guidelines for Certifying Authority examiners
1615 Close

The cost of the day is £120 to include lunch, refreshments and copies of presentations. Please use the reservation form below to book your place. We will invoice you. Alternatively, you can call Tania Bernice on 023 9238 5223 or email her.

    Certifying Authority Spring 2018 training day Reservation Form

    Please reserve my place at the IIMS Certifying Authority Spring 2018 training day on 15 May and invoice me for the sum of £120
    Will you join us in person or online?

    [honeypot postcode]

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