IIMS Baltimore Conference


04/04/2025 - 05/04/2025    
All Day

Event Type


This event is both in person and online and is taking place on Friday 4 and Saturday 5 April 2025 at Maritime Institute of Technology and Graduate Studies. 692 Maritime Blvd, Linthicum Heights, Md 21090.

 This event will allow you to network with fellow surveyors and learn from industry sector professionals whilst the conference discusses themes of “Revolutionary change and thinking” and “Changes we do not yet understand”.

Day One: Friday 4 April 2025

All times listed below are in EST

08:30-09:15: Mike Schwarz, CEO IIMS will discuss the State of the Institute and our plans with AI and new Institute initiatives.

09:15-10:30: John Malool-SAMS AMS- SAMS Safety Committee will discuss confined space and safety systems for the marine surveyor and what perils you are exposed to during your inspection process? Email: Tridentmarine@ymail.com. Call: 201-362-3610

10:30-10:45: Break for coffee and crumbs in the gallery hallway.

10:45-11:30: A presntation on ‘Outstanding marine in Maryland’ by Rhonda Bollinger including the myth and mysteries of the Volvo Penta IPS Systems from an expert. Web: Outstandingmarine.com. Call: 410-275-1200.

11:30-12:00: AlerTrax by Paul Dowling will discuss Using smart LTE, GPS/Wi-Fi equipment and measurements to track your fleet and products and protecting assets globally in real time. Email: Paul@alertrax.com. Call: 410-205-9260

12:00-13:00: Lunch in the Mess Hall on Campus.

13:00-14:15: Ocean Craft Marine, David Haines will discuss advanced concepts in vessel bottom forming has resulted in non-slamming hull shapes combined with shock absorbing seating and deck materials they have created RHIB vessels with remarkable sea keeping capacities. Finally, talking about amphibious retracting wheeled vessels allow for immediate transition from water to land based operations. Email: David@oceancraftmarine.com. Call: 410-263-3242.

14:15-14:30: Break and snacks in the gallery hallway.

14:30-15:15: Chesapeake marine towing Captain John Heinz will discuss environmental concerns and regulations involved in rescue and recovery. As well as, loss mitigation procedures and where they might be applied. Web: www.chesapeakemarine.net. Call: 410-952-5700.

15:15-16:30: James Renn, IIMS Regional Director, HonFIIMS, SAMS AMS will discuss nuclear Power for Yachts? Called SMR units – Small Modular Reactors and how this IS back to the future. As well as, unlimited fuel with incredible fuel life and potential. Email: iims.usa@aol.com. Call: 410-490-0216.

16:30-17:00: Frank D Messana, Sun Coast Marine Surveying, Marine Surveyor, IIMS will discuss how social media is a business enhancement. Internet, Facebook and other media as tool approaches to doing business and development or improvements in marketing with lessons we need to practice. Email: frank@suncoastms.com. Call: 239-707-4114.

17:00: Closing remarks.

Day Two: Saturday, 5 April 2025

08:30-09:00: Good Morning! James “Randy” Renn. Let’s take some minutes to get a very brief exposure as to the vast differences between petroleum based propulsion and alternate fuels and systems such as plasma drive and the most recent advances in technology and materials unknown just a few years past have led to a host of upcoming and actual alternatives. Simple exposure and food for thought. Email: iims.usa@aol.com. Call: 410-490-0216.

09:00-10:15: Mike Schwarz hosts a recently pre-recorded presentation by David O’Neill of Advanced Energy Solutions entitled: Basic understanding of lithium based marine solutions, strengths and weaknesses.

10:15-10:30: Break

10:30-12:00: John Norton from Annapolis Harbor Boat Yard will discuss Sea Keeper and Sea Keeper Ride Integrated Automated Systems of Gyro Stabilization and Automated Trim Tabs and an In person introduction to the systems in the classroom and how and why and what should be expected/anticipated with these advanced systems. Web: Annapolisharbor.net. Call: 410-268-0092.

12:30-13:15: Lunch

13:15-14:00: Mad Soaps by Christian Buchleitner will discuss how start to forget the “Wax off Wax on” and think 21st century ceramic coatings on you FRP vessel gelcoat and a new effort against fading and chalking in way of weatherproof coatings. Email: Detailing@madsoaps.com. Call 833-623-7627.

14:00-15:00: Break, lets finish off what’s there – put it in your pockets and take it home.

14:15-15:00: Philip Miller, Ret. USCG-Hefring Marine will present a must see presentation on Icelandic Data Driven, Deep-Tech utilizing Machine Learning and the Internet of Things (loT) Organization. AI driven marine solutions taken to the next step in real time with continuing improvements as AI continues to learn and how systems such as IMAS (Intelligent Marine Assistance Systems) and hardware in way of enabled software as a Service – SaaS change the manner in which we perceive/manage ships systems integrated with ships navigation. Email: philip@hefringmarine.com. Call: 401-787-8347.

15:00-15:45: Yvonne Thurman of Archer Power Solutions will discuss the advent of effective 12 volt air conditioning for all applications and low voltage and ease of Off Grid/on the water AC with as little as 1.75 GPM water flow with 5000 BTU/hr. output. web: www.archerpowersolutions.com. Call: 240-845-7102.

15:45-16:00: Inspect X-Craig Norton will discuss yet another step towards a faster, more complete user friendly survey format for marine surveyors of all stripes. Craig Norton will lead a tutorial of the program for our better understanding. Email: info@Inspectxpro.com. Call 561-600-0098.

16:00-16:30 Peter Swanson from Loose Cannon will discuss a very well known and often published author and journalist whose “Loose Cannon” blog is a favorite of boaters and marine interests. Peter will address the subject of lightning on boats in what promises to be informative and entertaining. Email: Loosecannon@substack.com.

16:30-17:15: Back by popular demand to wrap up the Conference as usual! Lloyd Griffin, Marine Surveyor. NAMS-CMS, SAMS-AMS will discuss “You just can’t make this up” and the humorous look at photos that defy the imagination. Email: Lgriffin111@yahoo.com.

We hope you can make it in-person or virtually!

Cost: $250.00 in person or $200.00 Via Zoom.

Meeting Zoom entry codes for both days will be provided for virtual delegates.

Use the secure online IIMS servers to reserve and pay for your place online using the form below. Alternatively registration may be paid by Credit Card by calling James “Randy” Renn on 410-490-0216.

Rooms are available in the MITAGS Campus building used for meeting at $160.00 per night-single or $205.00 Double- 410-859-5700. Lunch will be provided as part of admission. Breakfast provided for those staying in the hotel.

Click here to book your tickets!

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