DNVGL issues three free to read publications on tankers, bulk and gas carriers

DNVGL has released a series of publications with updates on the tanker, bulk carrier and gas carrier industry sectors.

Tanker Update 2018
Articles on: market development, alternative fuels and technologies, cybersecurity and TMSA3, tail shaft notation, batteries on small tankers, environmental regulations, eco …
DNV GL Tanker Update 2018

Bulk Carrier Update 2018
Articles on: environmental regulation, EU MRV and IMO DSC, alternative fuels, Green Corridor, new bulker designs, ore carrier, LNG propulsion, ultramax bulk carriers …
DNV GL Bulk Carrier Update

Gas Carrier Update 2018
Articles on: Updated FSRU rules, FSRU services, efficiency innovations for LNGCs and FSRUs, LNGreen, performance optimization, IMO DSC and EU MRV, digital services …
DNV GL Gas Carrier Update 2018

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