Danish Shipping presents new “Ahead of the Curve” strategy

Photo credit: Danish Shipping
Photo credit: Danish Shipping

Chairman of Danish Shipping, Claus V. Hemmingsen, has presented the organisation’s new strategy – “Ahead of the Curve”, which covers the next four years and focuses on competencies, digitization and technological development as catalysts for continued growth in the coming years.

Danish Shipping’s strategy for 2018-2021 was launched at a members’ meeting. The strategy envisions to grow the Danish-flagged fleet with more than 10 pct. measured in tonnage, and minimum 10 pct. measured in the number of ships, during the strategy period.

Furthermore, it aims to increase onshore employment to 7000 employees, while maintaining at least a constant number of Danish seafarers.

“It is our ambition that Denmark stays a leading shipping nation globally by being ahead of the curve. Danish shipping companies must continue to create value for customers, partners and locally, while also acting as responsible industry leaders. This requires framework conditions that are best in class and an approach where we as an organisation actively influence the development of the shipping industry, thus paving the way for global shipping to grow with a minimal footprint on our surroundings,” Claus V. Hemmingsen, said.

The strategy includes five key objectives for Danish Shipping for the coming four years.

In addition to the development of competitive framework conditions, the strategy wants to support the IMO as an effective governing body that delivers timely responses to global issues such as the regulation of the shipping industry’s impact on the climate and the environment.

Other objectives concentrate on competencies and new technology and maritime innovation, which has the potential to change the shipping industry.

“Education, digitization and maritime innovation and research will take up even more of our agenda in the coming years. We must further develop our maritime competencies in Denmark, so we have a solid supply of qualified employees. This applies both at sea, but also onshore, where digital competencies and an understanding of the latest technological trends will be crucial to maintaining the shipping companies’ competitiveness,” Claus V. Hemmingsen added.

The new strategy resulted in Danish Shipping’s reshuffling its organisation in November. With the new organisation, more organisational resources will be working on delivering the objectives that are prioritized.

“We have changed the organisation to deliver on the strategic objectives and targets. We now look forward to continued close cooperation with our members and partners, so that we can advance Danish shipping with an ambition to be ahead of the curve in order to increase our influence,” Anne H. Steffensen, CEO of Danish Shipping, concluded.

Read the strategy document in full: Danish-Shipping-Ahead-of-the-curve

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