Cyprus reports key PSC trends and deficiencies 2022-2024

The Republic of Cyprus Shipping Deputy Ministry has published a report on the Port State Control (PSC) Performance of the fleet of Cyprus.

In its fourth Report on Cyprus Fleet Port State Control Performance, the organisation includes the Statistical Data Analysis of Cyprus flagged Detained Ships worldwide for the last three consecutive years (2022-2024). Key findings from the report are as follows:

– In the USA, the number of detentions is significantly lower than in the Paris or Tokyo MoUs. However, the detention ratio is above average due to the small number of Port State Control Inspections on Cyprus-flagged ships.

– The majority of the detentions occurred in the Paris MoU. The number of ships inspected in the Paris MoU is higher than in any other MoU, and consequently, the detention ratio is lower than the average in this region.

– The detainable deficiencies breakdown in the USA, Paris, and Tokyo MoUs indicates that the majority of detentions is due to lack of maintenance. This shows failure or lack of effectiveness in the implementation of the ships Safety Management System (SMS), which includes the relevant procedures for ship and equipment maintenance.

– Fire Safety-related deficiencies have a combined share of about 23%.

– Most detentions occurred in China, followed by Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and the USA.

– Ships aged between 10 to 15 years and over 25 years are more vulnerable to detention.

– Bulk Carriers and General Cargo Ships are more vulnerable to detention.

– The most challenging ports for the year 2024 were Algeciras (Spain), Vancouver (Canada), and Shenzhen (China).

Additionally, the report pointed out that when serious or multiple deficiencies related to safety, security, or environmental protection are identified during Port State Control (PSC) inspection, it may be the case that the ships Safety Management System (SMS) is not being effectively implemented, raising concerns about non-compliance with the ISM Code. This may require an additional internal or external audit for SMS implementation or result in the ship being detained.

Download the report: Cyprus-Fleet-Port-State-Control-Performance-2022-2024.pdf

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