Maritime FEEDBACK issue number 56 has been published. In this issue they have featured a wide variety of topics from a number of independent reporters. In this issue the matter of fatigue and hours of rest is the lead editorial and CHIRP would like to hear a lot more from mariners in these two areas. Other material covers potential illegal MARPOL contraventions and air pollution. CHIRP continue to receive much correspondence relating to unsafe work at height, collision regulation issues and pilot ladder failings.
The articles in the issue are:
– Fatigue and hours of rest
– Could have been embarrassing: A report highlighting a delay to the berthing of a cruise liner due to a faulty stabilizer fin
– Near miss recreational fisherman and tug: Whilst fishing at anchor a pleasure vessel had to cut its anchor rope and fishing lines in order to avoid a drifting tug.
– A positive result following engagement with the DPA
– Illegal Bilge Discharge: Alleged MARPOL contravention in the Caribbean Sea area
– Unsafe Working at Heights. CHIRP continues to receive reports primarily from the yachting sector concerning unsafe working at height. These highlight practices where the potential for serious
personal injury or even death are present.
– Inadequate Master/Pilot exchange. In recent months, CHIRP has received three reports where the Master/Pilot information Exchange was less than fully comprehensive.
The CHIRP Charitable Trust has the broad aim of contributing to the enhancement of maritime safety in the UK and worldwide by providing a totally independent, confidential (not anonymous), reporting system for all individuals employed in or associated with this industry.
CHIRP has been in operation for maritime since 2003 and welcomes safety related reports from the international maritime sector, including the shipping, boating and fishing industries and leisure users too.
Read the bulletin in full: MFB-56-September-2019