CHIRP has published its Maritime Feedback Report 55

The CHIRP Charitable Trust has published Maritime Feedback 55. This second bulletin of 2019 contains reports on engine room heat protection, main engine failures, CBM systems, communications and hours of rest violations.

MFB 55 is currently available online in 3 languages; English, Chinese and Filipino and will soon be available in Portuguese.

The CHIRP Maritime Annual Digest 2018, giving a round-up of reports for 2018 along with insight articles, is also available online here.

A second study in collaboration with UCL Department of Neurosciences is close to completion and will be published in June. This second study focuses on “critical decision making” at sea and is a follow on from CHIRP’s “perception” study of 2018.

The aim of CHIRP is to contribute to the enhancement of aviation safety in the UK and maritime safety worldwide, by providing a totally independent confidential (not anonymous) reporting system for all individuals employed in or associated with these industries.

CHIRP has been in operation for aviation since 1982. In 1996 the Programme was restructured in the form of a charitable company limited by guarantee to enable it to make a more effective contribution to the resolution of important safety-related issues. This corporate structure was selected in order to provide a totally independent organisation, with management and fiscal responsibilities held by an Independent Board of Trustees. The maritime programme has been operating since July 2003.

Download the CHIRP Maritime Feedback June 2019: CHIRP-MFB-55

Also available is the CHIRP Maritime 2018 Annual Digest of Reports and Insight Articles: CHIRP-Annual-Digest-2018

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