2023 Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium published

The third edition of the Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium, compiled and published by the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS), covers the period between December 2022 and November 2023. It is available to download in pdf format or can be read online in eReader format.

Extending to 172 pages, Edition III builds on the success of the previous versions. The simple aim of the Compendium is to bring together a collection of incident and accident reports that have emerged over the year and to share the learnings. This is coupled with vital loss prevention information published by P&I Clubs and other parties. A calendar of some of the more eye-catching incidents completes the Compendium to highlight the continuing dangers of being at sea or on water, either for work or pleasure purposes.

Click to download the press release

IIMS President raises concerns about the growing tick box culture of marine survey reporting

Tick box marine survey reporting is becoming far more common than it used to be. That is the view of Peter Broad, President of the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS). But are tick box marine survey reports fit for purpose, or are they lazy reporting?

Concerns about tick box surveys

IIMS 2022 Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium published

Following the surprise runaway success of the first edition of the Safety & Loss Prevention Briefings Compendium, published in January 2022 by the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS), and subsequently downloaded many thousands of times, Edition II has been launched covering the period January to October 2022. It is now available to download and read in pdf or eReader formats.

Edition II builds on the success of the launch publication and extends to 160 pages. The simple aim is to highlight the dangers of working in the maritime industry, the ensuing accidents and some of the prevention measures available to mitigate disasters at sea. The publication blends a mix of incident and accident reports with essential loss prevention advice generated over the year. One significant new feature is a calendar, featuring some of the many accidents that have occurred during 2022, catalogued month by month.

Click to download the full press release.

Broadreach Marine and IIMS announce the launch of the Shipbuilding Acquaint Course

The Shipbuilding Acquaint Course has been developed by Broadreach Marine Ltd and is presented exclusively in conjunction with the International Institute of Marine Surveying, the leading worldwide professional body for the marine surveying profession. The course is recognized by the Nautical Institute for CPD points. The aim of this unique one-week online course starting from 7 February 2022 is to provide an opportunity for the student to gain an understanding of modern shipbuilding procedures, from placing a contract to delivering a completed ship.

Click to download the full press release.

IIMS proposal to deliver remote small craft tonnage measurement surveyor training approved by MCA

A proposal by IIMS to extend its popular face-to-face tonnage measurement training into an innovative remote online format has been approved by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA). This training is available to both IIMS members and non-members. But to become formally authorized to process tonnages through IIMS, (where the Institute has registry agreements in place – see list below), Part I and Part II must be completed, and you need to be a member. Those who wish to study Part I only, UK tonnage measurement theory, may do so to extend their surveying knowledge.

IIMS is innovating using smart technology to deliver a new methodology of authorizing tonnage surveyors. IIMS is the first to be able to offer tonnage measurement theory training remotely to surveyors anywhere in the world who are involved with vessels up to 24 metres.

Click to read the full Press Release

The John Excell Award for Outstanding Achievement is announced

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) has launched an award in memory of yacht and small craft marine surveyor, John Excell. The John Excell Award for Outstanding Achievement is open to all students enrolled on the distance learning diploma in marine surveying. It will be awarded on a periodical basis to deserving students – those who deliver not only outstanding academic achievements but who also demonstrate first-class interpersonal skills. Suitable recommendations will be put to the IIMS Education Committee for review and acceptance.

John Excell, who was an Honorary Fellow member of the Institute, died in April 2021 following a long illness at the age of just fifty-one. He held high office within the Institute and was Director of Yacht & Small Craft Surveying, a member of the management board, and an MCA coding examiner. John was passionate about training and sharing his knowledge with fellow surveyors and gave generously of his time to do so. It is, therefore, fitting that this award should be presented in his memory.

Click to read the full Press Release

New Professional Qualification in Marine Corrosion

The leading worldwide professional body for marine surveying, the International Institute of Marine Surveying, has launched a standalone professional qualification in marine corrosion. The qualification comprises 10 modules and is offered separately from the Institute’s two award-winning professional qualifications in marine surveying.

The course that supports the qualification is entitled ‘Marine Corrosion and Prevention in Small Vessels, Ships and Offshore Structures‘.

The programme has been written primarily with surveyors in mind, those whose job it is to inspect, understand and report on corrosion and is pitched at education level 4/5.

Who should study for this qualification?

The professional qualification in marine corrosion is intended for marine surveyors of yachts and small craft, ships and offshore structures. It is also relevant for design engineers, material specifiers, other professional engineers and students of marine science and engineering.

IIMS Chief Executive Officer, Mike Schwarz, said, “IIMS has made a significant investment to bring the Professional Qualification in Marine Corrosion to market. This is one of the most important new initiatives from the Institute since the award-winning IIMS Diploma in marine surveying was launched 20 years ago. Corrosion remains the one aspect of marine surveying where knowledge is vital. It is apparent that many people still have an insufficient depth of knowledge about corrosion and I expect this Professional Qualification will appeal to many.”

More information and a detailed Prospectus are available at http://bit.ly/39PG3qG.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) advice for travelling marine surveyors

The International Institute of Marine Surveyors (IIMS) is concerned for the health and well-being of its members as well as any marine surveyor travelling locally and internationally for work.

Already there is evidence that the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) is having a profound effect on some areas of the profession. But the picture is fluid, changing hourly and by the day, so you are advised to check the current status before you travel for work.

How Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads
When someone who has COVID-19 coughs or exhales they release droplets of infected fluid. Most of these droplets fall on nearby surfaces and objects, such as desks, tables or telephones. It is possible to catch Coronavirus by touching contaminated surfaces or objects and then touching the eyes, nose and/or mouth. If you are standing within one metre of a person with Coronavirus (COVID-19) it is possible to catch it by breathing in droplets coughed out or exhaled by them. In other words, Coronavirus spreads in a similar way to flu. Most persons infected with Coronavirus experience mild symptoms and recover in several days. However, some go on to experience more serious illness and may require hospital care. Risk of serious illness appears to rise with age – so far people over 40 seem to be more vulnerable than those under 40. People with weakened immune systems and people with conditions such as diabetes, heart and lung disease are also more vulnerable to serious illness.

Read the press release in full Coronavirus COVID-19 advice for travelling marine surveyors

IIMS announces Marine Surveying International Fest II 2019 schedules

Following the success of the inaugural online only event last year, the International Institute of Marine Surveying is delighted to present Marine Surveying International Fest II in two parts. The Institute has lined up a feast of education and information for yacht and small craft surveyors on Tuesday 10th December and for commercial ship surveyors on Thursday 12th December – both commencing at 06.00 UK time. It is not necessary to be a member of IIMS to participate in the Fest.

Building on 2018, these two days seek to recognise the importance of the profession of marine surveying and to promote the vital role surveyors perform in keeping lives safe at sea. No matter what time zone you are based in around the world, or area of surveying you work in, we hope to offer something of interest to you. The day will equally appeal to those who work with, or engage surveyors, or touch the profession in some way.

Read the press release in full: IIMS Marine Surveying International Fest II 2019

IIMS set to collate an international database of known vessel faults

The International Institute of Marine Surveying has set up a campaign to develop a database of known faults in production boats. The Institute is inviting its members who are actively engaged in the sub 24 metre yacht and small craft marine surveying sector to provide examples of known faults.

It is obvious that prior knowledge of known faults before attending survey is of huge relevance to a surveyor. Speaking with surveyors, it is abundantly clear that there are a number of known faults common to some makes of boat.

So, what constitutes a known fault? What IIMS is looking for is the same fault that has been observed on two identical boats. This might be, for example, cracking around the keel area, electrical system defects or engines that are known to have faults. This is not a witch-hunt against yacht and boat builders and equipment suppliers, rather an attempt to give the small craft surveyor some vital additional information as part of their toolkit. Submissions to IIMS can be made anonymously.

Read the press release in full: IIMS set to collate international database of known faults

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