The Global Industry Alliance to Support Low Carbon Shipping (Low Carbon GIA) and Arcsilea Ltd. have developed a series of videos on the latest major amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, adopted by the IMO, namely the Energy Efficiency eXisting Ship Index (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII).
This 5 part video series on the Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) is based on the new regulation that came into effect 1 January 2023. The video series aims to provide an overview of CII as well as to raise awareness and increase understanding by providing explainers of what is in the regulation as well as how to apply, and where to look for more information about it.
Video 1. An Introduction to CII
In this video you will understand:
The need for CII
How to distinguish between supply and demand based CII
Where to find the regulations and guidelines pertaining to CII
Video 2. CII Guidelines
In this video you will understand:
The different component of the CII framework – CII, reference lines, reduction factors, rating boundaries, and correction factors.
The difference between AER and cgDIST
The difference between the trial metrics
Video 3. Worked Example
In this video you will understand:
How to calculate the attained operational CII
How to calculate the required CII
How to derive the rating boundaries and assign a rating to the ship based on the attained operational CII
Video 4. DCS (Data Collection System) and SEEMP (Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan)
In this video you will understand:
What data is submitted to the DCS
What the DCS is used for
What is the purpose of SEEMP Part III
What are the contents of SEEMP Part III
Video 5. Certification and Verification
In this video you will understand:
What is the difference between initial, periodical and additional verification
What is the difference between the Confirmation of Compliance and Statement of Compliance
What situations constitute a detainable deficiency during Port State Control