Call for applications for appointment as MCIB Investigator

The MCIB (Marine Casualty Investigation Board) was established in 2002 under the Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) Act 2000. The purpose of the MCIB is to investigate marine casualties with a view to learning lessons to prevent them from happening again. It is not the purpose of an investigation to attribute fault or blame. The MCIB invites applications from suitably qualified investigators to carry out contracted marine casualty investigations on behalf of the Board.

To date the MCIB has published approximately 243 accident investigation reports and now wishes to engage additional investigators to carry out accident investigations on its behalf and to develop reports for the MCIB.

Click here for details about the MCIB, its annual reports and its investigation reports.

An investigator will be selected to carry out an investigation based on the competencies needed to carry out the investigation. The role of the investigator will include:

• Investigating under warrant marine casualties in accordance with the relevant legislation including the Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) Act 2000, the IMO Code, EU Directive 2009/18/EC incorporated into Irish laws by S.I. 276 of 2011 – European Communities (Merchant Shipping) (Investigation of Accidents) Regulations 2011 and the EU Common Methodology.

• Preparing and submitting draft reports to the MCIB in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 of EC2009/18/EC, and the MCIB Style Guide.

• Addressing any matters raised by the MCIB.

• Addressing any matters resulting from the consultation procedure set out in Section 36 of The Merchant Shipping (Investigation of Marine Casualties) Act 2000, which the MCIB refers to the investigator.

• Working with the MCIB to conclude investigations and create reports that achieve the objectives of the MCIB.

• Carrying out other investigator type functions as may be determined by the MCIB from time to time including acting as a support or providing assistance to the investigator appointed under warrant, and/or co-operating on another investigation or report.

For more information, and to apply, see, alternatively click here, and search ID number 201227.

A full role specification and details of the application process can also be downloaded here in a word doc format.

The closing date for applications is Tuesday 30th November at 16.00 hrs.

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