As part of its commitment to improving safety at sea, The Swedish Club widely shares its claims experiences to help the and shipping community to understand the factors that can lead to common incidents and to learn from the decisions that were made on board at the time and to understand the lessons learned.
In this valuable edition, dedicated to bulk cargoes, The Swedish Club presents 17 cases in brief.
They are:
1.1 Charcoal: Incorrect declaration caused charcoal fire
1.2 Coal: Severely burned in an onboard explosion
1.3 Coal: Indonesian coal self-ignited during discharge
1.4 Grains: Wet damage caused cargo loss
1.5 Grains: Incorrectly applied fumigation pellets caused explosion
1.6 Grains: Ship’s sweat caused cargo damage
1.7 Grains: Infested cargo
1.8 Soya beans: Discolouration
1.9 Soya beans: Poor condition when loading
1.10 Soya beans: Ship’s sweat caused cargo damage
1.11 Soya beans: Self-ignited after several months at anchor
1.12 Steel: Cargo damaged by rain during loading
1.13 Steel: Cargo rejected
1.14 Steel: Concrete steel pipes damaged due to poor loading and unloading procedures
1.15 Urea: Caking of urea at the discharge port
1.16 Urea: Contamination
1.17 Explosion caused by fumigation
The Swedish Club bulk cargoes casebook in pdf format is available to download: Bulk Cargoes Casebook
The Swedish Club have been a marine insurance provider since 1872, and being a mutual organisation, they have their members’ best interests at heart at all times, always have done and always will. Their core values of: Proactivity, Reliability and Commitment continue to guide the Swedish Club in everything they do.