BIMCO supports IGP&I’s new electronic bill of lading approval process

The International Group of P&I Clubs has introduced a new process for the approval of electronic bill of lading systems
The International Group of P&I Clubs has introduced a new process for the approval of electronic bill of lading systems

The first question on shipowners’ lips when asked to use electronic bills of lading should be “is the eBL platform approved by my P&I Club?” To make this “discovery” process easier, the International Group of P&I Clubs has introduced a new process for the approval of electronic bill of lading systems. This new process takes into account recent legislative developments that recognise electronic bills of lading as equivalent to their paper counterparts. System providers who seek IG approval and meet the necessary requirements will now be easily identifiable on the Group’s website. This streamlined approach is designed to benefit both members and system providers, making the approval process more efficient.

BIMCO fully supports this initiative, as it aligns with its commitment to embracing technology and innovation within the maritime industry. The transition to electronic bills of lading offers numerous advantages, including improved efficiency, reduced paperwork, and enhanced security.

Read the Group’s Circular: IGP&I eBL new process

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