ICOMIA Sustainability Guide, formerly the Environment Guide, updated and republished

ICOMIA has released an updated Sustainability Guide which was previously known as the Environment Guide. Highlighted in blue are the areas that have changed or had new information added in this edition.

The guide features clear and concise outlines of the latest environment legislation affecting the EU, US, Asia and Australia, plus international organisations such as the International Maritime Organisation. In simple terms, the guide explains what the legislation is, why it has been imposed, when it will take effect, who it may affect and how. The Sustainability Guide is an invaluable tool for anyone who is operating in the global recreational marine industry. Continue reading “ICOMIA Sustainability Guide, formerly the Environment Guide, updated and republished”

Report analyzing the impacts of underwater noise in Europe published by EMSA

The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) has commissioned a study to consolidate information on the subject of continuous Underwater radiated noise (URN) from shipping, in order to derive recommendations for a future multi-stakeholder strategy within Europe. The 103 page report is now available to read.

The study focussed on four main subject areas, with noise sources, environmental impact and policy providing the basis for the main goal, mitigation. The main source of URN from shipping is broadband propeller cavitation, radiating noise over a large frequency range. Machinery, primarily main propulsion engines, can also have an important contribution. Continue reading “Report analyzing the impacts of underwater noise in Europe published by EMSA”

New report highlights significant acceleration in maritime digitalisation

Inmarsat in partnership with Thetius has published a new report pinpointing the impact of Covid-19 in helping to force the acceleration of global maritime digitisation. The report, ‘A Changed World: The state of digital transformation in a post-Covid-19 maritime industry’, captures a sector fast-tracking IT based solutions from November 2019. It also characterises Covid-19 as a “universal disruptor and catalyst for digital transformation”.

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a large increase in the adoption of digital tools across the industry. But there is more to digital transformation than adopting digital tools; genuine transformation is still some years away. There is zero doubt that the pandemic has accelerated the process given that average daily data consumption per vessel increased from 3.4 to 9.8 gigabytes between January 2020 and March 2021. Continue reading “New report highlights significant acceleration in maritime digitalisation”

Sobering man overboard lesson

Image used for illustration purposes only
Image used for illustration purposes only

At the recent Seawork Connect online event, the Workboat Association and British Tugowners Association Safety Forum at Seawork Connect gave details about a real-life man overboard (MOB) incident. Shaun Mansbridge, Safety Manager at Williams Shipping, described a situation that occurred within Willliams’ pilot vessel fleet, fortunately with a happy outcome, but which could have gone the other way.

A 13m pilot launch with two crewmembers aboard – skipper and deckhand – was delivering onsigners to a ship at the Nab Anchorage in the Solent, UK. It was Autumn with fine weather and light seas and an estimated water temperature of 13-15 degrees Celsius. The onsigning crew all safely ascended the pilot boarding ladder to the deck. The deckhand started passing the suitcases up while the pilot boat’s skipper Continue reading “Sobering man overboard lesson”

Preventing wet cargo damage

Preventing wet cargo damage - Image: Swedish Club
Preventing wet cargo damage – Image: Swedish Club

Claims relating to wet cargo damage are all too frequent. Many of these can be avoided entirely with a robust pre-loading condition checking procedure. While humidity and condensation are inevitable challenges through the supply chain, pre-existing CTU damages should be an easy check.

As TT Club regularly articulates, around 65% of cargo damage incidents are attributable in part to the way that goods are packed within the cargo transport unit (CTU). The CTU Code and the more recent ‘CTU Code – a quick guide’ and complementary container packing checklist published by the Cargo Integrity Group, provide invaluable guidance for actors in the supply chain to mitigate such risks. Continue reading “Preventing wet cargo damage”

Failure of diesel generator caused engine room fire onboard Master Dylan

Failure of diesel generator caused engine room fire onboard Master Dylan
Failure of diesel generator caused engine room fire onboard Master Dylan

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has released an accident report focusing on the engine room fire aboard fishing vessel Master Dylan. At about 0745 on 1 December 2020, the fishing vessel Master Dylan was trawling for shrimp in the Gulf of Mexico when an explosion occurred in the engine room.

The captain attempted to extinguish the fire, but was unsuccessful. A nearby fishing vessel rescued the crew from the burning vessel. An offshore supply vessel eventually extinguished the fire using water cannons. Master Dustin II, a vessel owned by the same company, proceeded to tow the Master Dylan to the nearest point of land. But in doing so, the Master Continue reading “Failure of diesel generator caused engine room fire onboard Master Dylan”

New chapter for safe disposal of marine flares from the pleasure boat sector

The Maritime and Coastguard Agency is to work with industry to develop local self-regulated schemes for the safe disposal of redundant pyrotechnics (flares) from the pleasure vessel sector. It follows a consultation (which concluded on 15 March) with the industry, industry regulators and boat-owners to seek ways considered acceptable to all for the effective means of disposing of flares.

The MCA supported a proposal for an industry-led, self-regulated disposal service that complies with existing legislation. It was also felt this was an opportunity for small regional businesses to tailor a disposal service that meets local needs, enabling an effective geographical spread of options available to boat-owners. Continue reading “New chapter for safe disposal of marine flares from the pleasure boat sector”

Scuppered dreams and abandoned boats – an environmental threat in pictures

As long ago as 1999, the US based naval architect, Eric Sponberg, raised the alarm within the recreational boating community with his outspoken article entitled ‘Recycled Dead Boats.’ To quote his actual words, he said: “The industry has ‘shot itself in the foot’ by building boats out of such a durable and almost indestructible material as fibreglass (GRP.)”

Almost a quarter of a century later, the Centre for Aquatic Environments at Brighton University in the UK has picked up the baton and recently produced a video that vividly emphasises the same ongoing challenge. The film features academic research information, and real-life contributions from various stakeholders around the world, clearly making the point; that not enough has been done to address the threats to the environment, or to the future sustainability of boating. Continue reading “Scuppered dreams and abandoned boats – an environmental threat in pictures”

MAIB publishes its latest safety digest 2/2021

The MAIB has released its latest Safety Digest 2/202 featuring 25 essential case studies following maritime incidents and accidents. Introducing the MAIB Safety Digest 2/2021, Andrew Moll, Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents, says, “I would like to start by thanking Matthew Easton, John Clark and Iain Elliott for writing the introductions to the Merchant, Fishing and Recreational Craft sections of this digest. As always, their perspectives on maritime safety make compelling reading. There are many aspects to safe operations and, purely by coincidence, our three introduction writers have focused on different parts of the safety effort.

John Clark’s accident in 2013 was the trigger for him to focus on assessing risks and taking steps to reduce them. Continue reading “MAIB publishes its latest safety digest 2/2021”

US Coast Guard vessel deficiency reports to be posted monthly

Ensign Patricia Carrow, a Coast Guard vessel inspector, examines a passenger vessel. (U.S. Coast Guard photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Andrea Anderson)

The Coast Guard will begin posting monthly data reports of all deficiencies to foreign and domestic vessels on the Office of Commercial Vessel Compliance (CG-CVC) website in an Excel file format. Access to data such as common vessel deficiencies or marine casualty occurrences can inform vessel owners and operators of current trends on similar vessels. Armed with this information, vessel owners and operators may proactively take action to identify potential deficiencies on board their vessel and improve safety.

For years, the Port State Information Exchange (PSIX) XML data service has provided a means for the public to access large quantities of Coast Guard vessel deficiency and marine casualty data. However, XML data service requires a level of programming knowledge that can Continue reading “US Coast Guard vessel deficiency reports to be posted monthly”

UAE Maritime Cluster launched to boost the national maritime economy

UAE Maritime Cluster - H.E. Suhail Al Mazrouei The UAE Minister of Energy and Infrastructure
UAE Maritime Cluster- H.E. Suhail Al Mazrouei The UAE Minister of Energy and Infrastructure

The Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure has launched the UAE Maritime Cluster to be an umbrella for the local and federal government and private organisations in the maritime sector. The move aims to promote the UAE’s maritime sector globally. It also supports the Ministry’s role in building alternative economic components to the oil sector, supporting its strategy to be a key contributor to the ‘Projects of the 50’ initiatives. The cluster brings together organisations and individuals in the sector and unites the capabilities of the UAE maritime sector to build a unified force that enhances the UAE’s position as one of the top five global maritime hubs.

To launch the Cluster, the Ministry will build a communication network consisting of the various entities in the maritime sector. This will act as a platform for launching various activities and events that the UAE Maritime Cluster will implement. It will also be a knowledge hub for external maritime authorities around the world to learn about the opportunities available in the maritime industry and invest in the Continue reading “UAE Maritime Cluster launched to boost the national maritime economy”

Green boating ETB partnership secures new funding to electrify the UK Norfolk Broads

Ra - solar powered boat part of the ETB partnership
Ra – solar powered boat part of the ETB partnership

The ETB partnership, comprising researchers and Norfolk Broads businesses, has been announced as a winner of the Clean Maritime Competition, alongside 55 other projects to investigate how to decarbonise the maritime sector. As part of a range of measures to tackle climate change, the UK Government is planning to phase out the production of new fossil-fuel powered vessels by 2050. This funding will enable the ‘Electrifying The Broads’ – ETB partnership group to research how the transition to cleaner fuels and propulsion could take place in the Broads.

To date, electric motors are only widely used on small outboard vessels, electric day-boats and sailing yachts. The ‘cruiser’ fleet of private and hire boats is almost entirely fossil-fuel powered, and there are currently no environmentally-friendly options for hire vessels that Continue reading “Green boating ETB partnership secures new funding to electrify the UK Norfolk Broads”

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