Broken fuel valve caused an engine room fire

Photo credit: Swedish Club
Photo credit: Swedish Club

In its latest monthly safety scenario, the Swedish Club has explained an incident where a broken fuel valve above the auxiliary engines started spraying fuel oil over an exhaust pipe, causing a huge explosion and a fire in the engine room.

A vessel was lying alongside loading cargo. The Chief Officer called the engine control room (ECR) to ask the duty engineer to start an extra auxiliary engine so he could begin to ballast the vessel. Continue reading “Broken fuel valve caused an engine room fire”

Refrigerated container cargo claims on the rise warns Britannia Club

Britannia Club says there is evidence of rising refrigerated container cargo claims
Britannia Club says there is evidence of rising refrigerated container cargo claims

In the past two years, the Britannia Club has opened just over 250 claims files for allegedly damaged refrigerated container cargo carried on operators’ vessels, with the number of such claims being on the rise recently.

Cargoes carried in refrigerated containers are many and varied, including meat, vegetables, fruit, live plants, flowers and medicines, all requiring their own bespoke temperature and atmosphere management.

Where there is the loss of the entire contents of a 40’ high cube container, Continue reading “Refrigerated container cargo claims on the rise warns Britannia Club”

Canada Safe Boating Awareness Week 21-27 May 2022

Safe Boating Awareness week 21-27 May 2022
Safe Boating Awareness week 21-27 May 2022

The 2022 Safe Boating Awareness campaign will still be reaching out to Canadian boaters but, may be a little different in many ways.

Boating is not quite into full gear yet, with some areas of the country open and some soon to open. Because many are getting onto the water in time for Canada Safe Boating Awareness week, we want to remind you of not just our 5 key messages for boating safely, we will also want you to keep in mind recommendations related to physical distancing and who should be and not be on your boat. Continue reading “Canada Safe Boating Awareness Week 21-27 May 2022”

Impact of digital technology on maritime sustainability is the subject of the The Optimal Route report.

The Optimal Route Report
The Optimal Route Report

The Optimal Route report examines strategies to reduce greenhouse gases in shipping, offers guide to decarbonisation role of digital technologies. Inmarsat, the world leader in global, mobile satellite communications, has published a new decarbonisation report entitled the Optimal Route to explore the impact digital technology can make on shipping’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Compiled by maritime innovation consultancy Thetius, and sponsored by the Inmarsat Research Programme, The Optimal Route – The Why and How of Digital Decarbonisation Continue reading “Impact of digital technology on maritime sustainability is the subject of the The Optimal Route report.”

Hot work failures led to fire on a commercial fish processor the Aleutian Falcon

The Aleutian Falcon moored before the fire
The Aleutian Falcon moored before the fire

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) has published a report about a fire on the commercial fish processor Aleutian Falcon while the vessel was docked for repairs at the Trident Seafoods shipyard in Tacoma, Washington.

Firefighting crews from the Tacoma Fire Department responded, and the fire was extinguished four days later. No one was on board the vessel at the time of the fire, and there were no injuries reported. An estimated 20–30 gallons of hydraulic oil leaked into the water but were captured by a containment boom. Continue reading “Hot work failures led to fire on a commercial fish processor the Aleutian Falcon”

IACS publishes unified requirement for remote classification surveys

IACS Secretary General, Robert Ashdown
IACS Secretary General, Robert Ashdown

The significant impact of the COVID19 pandemic on the maritime industry resulted in an increase in the deployment of remote classification surveys by IACS Members to ensure the maritime industry was able to continue functioning in as smooth and efficient a manner as possible.

Noting many IACS Members introduced remote survey aspects prior to the pandemic, advancements in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) together with the experience and knowledge gained during Continue reading “IACS publishes unified requirement for remote classification surveys”

Marine surveyors Van Ameyde McAuslands warn seized yachts must be decommissioned to mitigate safety and environmental risks

Albert Weatherill, MD of Van Ameyde McAuslands and IIMS member
Albert Weatherill, MD of Van Ameyde McAuslands and IIMS member

Seized maritime assets could pose a “significant risk” to ports, harbours and marinas if there is no requirement to ensure mega yachts detained under sanction rules are properly maintained, made safe, or deactivated, according to experienced marine surveyor, Albert Weatherill, managing director of Van Ameyde McAuslands and a long-standing IIMS member.

Safety concerns have been raised by Van Ameyde McAuslands, a global firm of marine surveyors and engineering consultants, following the seizure of a number of high-profile mega yachts thought to be owned by Russian oligarchs, Continue reading “Marine surveyors Van Ameyde McAuslands warn seized yachts must be decommissioned to mitigate safety and environmental risks”

Parametric rolling responsible for Maersk Essen loss of containers says DMAIB report

Parametric rolling is the suspected cause of the loss of containers from Maersk Essen. Photo credit: DMAIB
Parametric rolling is the suspected cause of the loss of containers from Maersk Essen. Photo credit: DMAIB

The Danish Maritime Accident Investigation Board (DMAIB) has published its report on Maersk Essen, the ship that lost approximately 250 containers on 16 January 2021 while the ship was en route from China to Los Angeles. The number of lost containers was later adjusted to 750.

At approximately 0600, some of the crew were woken by the sound of cups and laptops sliding and falling off tables in their cabins as the ship took a few heavy, slow rolls. On the bridge, the chief officer saw from the inclinometer that the ship had rolled 15° to each side. The Continue reading “Parametric rolling responsible for Maersk Essen loss of containers says DMAIB report”

Interim investigation report resulted in loss of life reveals BSU report

Sling construction for evacuation via the access hatch (simulated on 19/10/2021). Photo credit: BSU
Sling construction for evacuation via the access hatch (simulated on 19/10/2021). Photo credit: BSU

The German Federal Bureau of Maritime Casualty Investigation published its interim investigation report (BSU report) about an accident with subsequent loss of life on board the Containership SEOUL EXPRESS, on 27 March 2021. On 27 March 2021, the container ship SEOUL EXPRESS was about 52 nm off the Mexican coast en route from Manzanillo, Mexico, to Long Beach, USA. The vessel was operating on a liner service between various ports in the Mediterranean, Central America and the west coast of North America. Continue reading “Interim investigation report resulted in loss of life reveals BSU report”

Annual 406Day campaign celebrating 10 years of raising awareness about life-saving beacons

Annual 406Day campaign notches up 10 years of raising awareness about life-saving beacons
Annual 406Day campaign notches up 10 years of raising awareness about life-saving beacons. Image: ACR Electronics

The annual 406Day campaign, a safety awareness day marked on 6 April, is celebrating a decade of bringing attention to the vital role of 406 MHz beacons.

The 10th 406Day campaign highlights how boaters and adventurers can benefit from the life-saving technology available in these emergency location devices and highlights the importance of EPIRBs (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons), PLBs (Personal Locator Beacons) and ELTs (Emergency Locator Transmitters). Continue reading “Annual 406Day campaign celebrating 10 years of raising awareness about life-saving beacons”

New requirements for fuel oil sampling and testing – MARPOL Convention Annex VI amendments

New requirements for fuel oil sampling and testing have entered into force under the MARPOL Convention Annex VI, supporting the implementation and enforcement of the IMO 2020 0.50% limit for sulphur in ships’ fuel oil.

According to the International Maritime Organization, the amendments are intended to support Port State Control and other environmental authorities, particularly those tasked with fuel sampling and testing, Continue reading “New requirements for fuel oil sampling and testing – MARPOL Convention Annex VI amendments”

US House of Representatives passes new safety regulations for DUKW boats

DUKW boats subject to new regulations. Photo (USCG)
DUKW boats subject to new regulations. Photo (USCG)

The U.S. House of Representatives has passed legislation requiring new safety measures for DUKW boats, the amphibious landing craft commonly repurposed for tourist trips.

DUKW boats, also known as duck boats, were designed and built in WWII for military use. A number were later converted for commercial service, carrying tourists on brief land and water itineraries. DUKW boats have been implicated in several fatal accidents, including two tragic sinkings. Continue reading “US House of Representatives passes new safety regulations for DUKW boats”

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