CO2 system left non-operational after servicing

The Marine Safety Forum (MSF) has issued a safety alert and shared some lessons resulting from an incident where the safety pins of the fixed CO2 system flexible hoses had not been removed and were still in place. An MSF member vessel had undergone a firefighting equipment survey. All equipment was fully inspected and any faults or discrepancies were rectified. The fixed CO2 system flexible hoses were renewed as the system had reached its 10 years of service life.

To allow the survey to be conducted in a safe manner the safety pins had been Continue reading “CO2 system left non-operational after servicing”

EU report published on how the Recreational Craft Directive could evole

EU report published on how the Recreational Craft Directive could evole
EU report published on how the Recreational Craft Directive could evole

A second report has been published on how the Recreational Craft Directive 2013/53/EU should be updated going forward.
In this much-awaited report, the European Commission has assessed the technological and economic feasibility of further reducing exhaust emissions produced by recreational craft and their fuel systems.

It also evaluates the appropriateness of the current watercraft design categories in light of different weather conditions and the impact of this categorisation on manufacturers and end-users.

Exhaust emissions Continue reading “EU report published on how the Recreational Craft Directive could evole”

Marine professionals converge at Dubai event and AGM

Marine professionals converge at Dubai event and AGM
Marine professionals converge at Dubai event and AGM

On June 28, Advanced Watertek and the International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) UAE branch jointly hosted an event at the Dubai International Seafarers Centre, in association with the UAE chapter of The Company of Master Mariners India (CMMI).

The evening, which also doubled up as the Annual General Meeting for IIMS, saw fleet managers, technical superintendents, marine surveyors, oilfield operators, chief engineers, and captains from leading marine and offshore companies in the UAE attend and enjoy the knowledge sharing and networking sessions.

Informative presentations were shared by Unni krishnan Nair Continue reading “Marine professionals converge at Dubai event and AGM”

First glass fibre composites recycling centre in the UK set to open

First glass fibre composites recycling centre in the UK set to open
First glass fibre composites recycling centre in the UK set to open

The National Composites Centre is aiming to create the UK’s first glass fibre composites recycling and re-use facility of its kind. The organisation is supporting a new consortium that has been formed to address the growing challenge of decarbonisation and recycling of composite materials in the marine industry and beyond.

The Blue Composites Project is made up of the UK’s leading marine and maritime companies, composites specialists, academic institutions and local government organisations, led by Blue Parameters, a Guernsey based marine consultancy. Continue reading “First glass fibre composites recycling centre in the UK set to open”

Despite decreasing marine casualties the Irish authorities remain cautious

Irish authorities remain cautious despite decreasing marine casualties
Irish authorities remain cautious despite decreasing marine casualties

Marine casualties and fatalities in Irish waters have reduced in the past ten years, but investigators warn this could change if voluntary codes of conduct are ignored. The Marine Casualty Investigation Board (MCIB) reports that fatalities have been on a downward trend to zero in 2021 from a high of 13 in 2012. However, this may not remain the case as the number of serious incidents involving kayakers and canoeists continues to rise.

In 2020 the MCIB urged water sports clubs to ensure that all codes of practice, guidelines and recommendations were followed.  Continue reading “Despite decreasing marine casualties the Irish authorities remain cautious”

ONE launches Marine Safety & Quality Campaign 2022

ONE launches Marine Safety & Quality Campaign 2022
ONE launches Marine Safety & Quality Campaign 2022

Ocean Network Express (ONE) has launched its Marine Safety & Quality Campaign to raise safety awareness and to mitigate marine accidents. The campaign runs from 8th August to 30th September 2022.

The campaign theme is “Safety Consciousness – A step ahead”. As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect global shipping operations over the long term, ONE continues to face difficulties in conducting ONE’s Vessel Quality Standard (ONE-VQS) physical inspections on board Continue reading “ONE launches Marine Safety & Quality Campaign 2022”

Bunker fuel contamination cases are on the increase

UK P&I Club has said bunker fuel analysis indicates more cases of contaminated bunker fuel in the Rotterdam and Amsterdam areas (ARA), suggesting that the problem persists.

During July, Veritas petroleum services (VPS) issued a bunker alert regarding the same issue. VPS reported that they had investigated samples of very low sulphur fuel oil (VLSFO) taken in the ARA region following reports that vessels using these fuels were experiencing operational problems, such as excessive wear of fuel pump plungers, barrels and injectors. Continue reading “Bunker fuel contamination cases are on the increase”

Gold Coast City Marina and Shipyard training academy to support the Australian superyacht industry

Photo courtesy of GCCM
Photo courtesy of GCCM

A new specialised training academy has been established at the centre of the booming superyacht industry on the Gold Coast to support record growth and demand for workers as local and international buyers continue to splash out on luxury marine craft.

With a number of new boats of all sizes being delivered to buyers in Australia, arriving for refits, or just visiting the Gold Coast, the training academy will be the first in Australia to be established at a shipyard. The academy at the Gold Coast City Marina and Shipyard (GCCM) will begin turning out an in-demand pipeline of skilled marine trades workers to fill labour shortages across the $80-billion industry, Continue reading “Gold Coast City Marina and Shipyard training academy to support the Australian superyacht industry”

Port State Control Australia 2021 Report published

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) has released its Port State Control (PSC) Annual Report for 2021, which shows that detention and deficiency rates per inspection have continued to remain low. AMSA Executive Director of Operations, Michael Drake, said the authority’s reputation for having a zero-tolerance approach to non-compliance with internationally agreed standards, continued to have a positive influence on the quality of ships being brought to Australia. Continue reading “Port State Control Australia 2021 Report published”

New laws to restrict the way ships release ballast water into UK seas

The new laws, put forward by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), is based on the international Ballast Water Management Convention
The new laws, put forward by the Maritime & Coastguard Agency (MCA), is based on the international Ballast Water Management Convention

New laws have now come into force which will further protect United Kingdom coastlines by stopping international ships from discharging potentially harmful species into the sea.

The Merchant Shipping (Control and Management of Ships’ Ballast Water and Sediments) Regulations 2022 introduces legislation into UK law controlling the discharge of ships’ ballast water into UK waters. Ballast water can contain aquatic species that are harmful to native UK ones and the legislation will stop ships from potentially releasing them onto our coasts. Continue reading “New laws to restrict the way ships release ballast water into UK seas”

The size of North American maritime’s carbon footprint revealed in new report

The Houston-headquartered Blue Sky Maritime Coalition (BSMC) has released a new report that provides a benchmark for CO2 emissions from the major vessel sectors that make up domestic maritime transportation in North America. The coalition, a non-profit corporation, is a strategic alliance formed to accelerate the transition of North American waterborne transportation (NAWT) toward net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the study gives some insights into what’s needed to meet that goal. Continue reading “The size of North American maritime’s carbon footprint revealed in new report”

Reclamation of underwater hull cleaning waste is essential to sustainability

Underwater hull cleaning may be a necessary and essential activity for many vessel owners, but it can result in substantial amounts of waste being produced. This is an obvious concern for companies anxious to enhance their ESG credibility.

Marine coatings manufacturer AkzoNobel says that recovering underwater hull cleaning waste material or reclamation is vital for the sustainable future of the industry.

“Reclaiming the waste generated from underwater hull cleaning operations provides assurance to vessel operators that materials generated from their operations are handled in a sustainable, environmentally and socially responsible manner, says AkzoNobel, Continue reading “Reclamation of underwater hull cleaning waste is essential to sustainability”

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