ATSB issues report into fire onboard the BBC Rhonetal

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) has published safety recommendations to the managers and parent company of the cargo ship BBC Rhonetal, following an investigation into a fire in the hold of the vessel at Port Hedland, Western Australia in March 2021.

1 Origin of the fire
Shortly before smoke was observed rising from the lower hold, the bosun had been cutting fastenings with a plasma torch in an area on the tween deck which was located above a vibrating screen assembly stowed in the lower hold. Continue reading “ATSB issues report into fire onboard the BBC Rhonetal”

Registered Marine Coatings Inspector standard and qualification set for major relaunch

The past couple of years have presented challenges for the resilient global superyacht industry, not least for those whose role it is to inspect and report on the complex coatings systems. The pandemic and other factors beyond the Registered Marine Coatings Inspector (RMCI) team’s control brought the successful programme to a temporary halt.

The RMCI standard, introduced in late 2014, was set up in response to pressure from the industry because there was no standard and no specific qualifications for marine coatings inspectors in the superyacht sector. Since launch, nearly 150 industry professionals have achieved the qualification. The RMCI certification of suitably experienced coatings inspectors has been welcomed and supported by many Continue reading “Registered Marine Coatings Inspector standard and qualification set for major relaunch”

Hull and machinery underwriters have significant challenges ahead

Hull and machinery underwriters have significant challenges ahead
Hull and machinery underwriters have significant challenges ahead

Speaking recently at the IUMI (International Union of Marine Insurance) conference from Chicago, Rama Chandran, chairperson on the Ocean Hull Committee, expressed concern over the long-term sustainability of the hull and machinery insurance sector.

He said: “Whilst it is encouraging to see the 2021 premium base growing from the previous year we face deteriorating loss ratios, albeit from a low 2020 base. Premium base has only recently begun to creep upwards following a sustained decline since 2012. The increase of 4.1% is lower than the 6% seen last year and the reducing quantum is a worrying trend. This is likely due to increased market capacity, particularly from London and Latin America which is a surprise for many.” Continue reading “Hull and machinery underwriters have significant challenges ahead”

Ensuring safe operation when carrying bagged rice cargoes

The Swedish P&I Club has issued cargo advice and guidance to assist operators when carrying bagged rice cargoes.
The Swedish P&I Club has issued cargo advice and guidance to assist operators when carrying bagged rice cargoes.

In collaboration with CWA International, The Swedish P&I Club has issued cargo advice and guidance to assist operators when carrying bagged rice cargoes.

1 Pre-loading
Prior to loading, the crew must ensure that the cargo hatches are watertight. It is prudent for a hatch cover test to be undertaken. This can be done using an ultrasound device or hose test. These tests are important as they enable the crew to make any necessary repairs to the hatch covers prior to loading of cargo. Furthermore, they provides good supporting evidence against accusations of water ingress through the hatch covers in the event of a wet Continue reading “Ensuring safe operation when carrying bagged rice cargoes”

Global Maritime Issues Monitor reveals the coming impacts for shipping

Global Maritime Issues Monitor logo
Global Maritime Issues Monitor logo

The fifth annual Global Maritime Issues Monitor has revealed that senior maritime decision-makers believe the maritime industry will be most impacted by the decarbonization of shipping and new environmental regulations in the next decade. At the same time, geopolitical issues and skill shortages rise in prominence as an area of concern.

Following the war in Ukraine, geopolitical tension has become one of the top concerns in the industry. The industry’s preparedness to face these tensions, however, is still rated as high. Compared to last year’s results, the expected impact of changing trade patterns has likewise increased. Continue reading “Global Maritime Issues Monitor reveals the coming impacts for shipping”

Hull and machinery underwriters have significant challenges ahead

 Rama Chandran expressed concern over the sustainability of the hull and machinery insurance sector.
Rama Chandran expressed concern over the sustainability of the hull and machinery insurance sector.

Speaking recently at the IUMI (International Union of Marine Insurance) conference from Chicago, Rama Chandran, chairperson on the Ocean Hull Committee, expressed concern over the long-term sustainability of the hull and machinery insurance sector.

He said: “Whilst it is encouraging to see the 2021 premium base growing from the previous year we face deteriorating loss ratios, albeit from a low 2020 base. Premium base has only recently begun to creep upwards following a sustained decline since 2012. The increase of 4.1% is lower than the 6% seen last year and the reducing quantum is a worrying trend. Continue reading “Hull and machinery underwriters have significant challenges ahead”

ICHCA guidance on safe lifting of ISO containers and tanks using hooks and wires issued

The International Cargo Handling Coordination Association (ICHCA) has published a safety brifing document to offer advice into some of the safety principles associated with safe lifting of ISO containers and tanks using hooks and wires.

According to ICHCA, any lifting operation of this type should be undertaken by competent persons in compliance with applicable regulatory frameworks and is the responsibility of the duty holder.

The use of gantry cranes and spreaders is the optimal and preferred method Continue reading “ICHCA guidance on safe lifting of ISO containers and tanks using hooks and wires issued”

West P&I Club advice on how to conduct a proper gas measurement of coal cargoes

When carrying coal cargoes, it is vital to obtain accurate gas measurements to determine the correct ventilation requirements. In a short video less than four minutes long, West P&I Club explains the correct way to undertake the gas measurement of coal cargoes.

According to West Club, coal may self-heat or emit significant amounts of methane, and occasionally, it may do both. Incorrect ventilation can also lead to cargo fire or cargo explosion, which makes it crucial to obtain accurate gas measurements to determine the correct ventilation requirements. While this may appear straight forward, West Club’s experience is that these measurements are often not taken correctly. Continue reading “West P&I Club advice on how to conduct a proper gas measurement of coal cargoes”

Sinking of Emmy Rose brings fresh calls for mandatory personal locator beacons

The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) is reiterating calls for personal locator beacons to become mandatory following its investigation the publication of its report into the 2020 sinking of the F/V Emmy Rose that claimed the lives of four crew members off Cape Cod.

The NTSB said the fishing vessel Emmy Rose likely capsized in 2020 after seawater collected on the aft deck and flooded into the vessel through deck hatches that were not watertight. NTSB investigators also found that two freeing ports, designed to drain water, were closed. Continue reading “Sinking of Emmy Rose brings fresh calls for mandatory personal locator beacons”

Electrical repairs should be done by suitable qualified individuals

Electrical repairs should be done by suitable qualified individuals
Electrical repairs should be done by suitable qualified individuals

In its most recent series regarding lessons learned from accidents, the American Club has described an incident where an engineer was shocked by electricity.

The engineer on a towing vessel was making a routine round in the engine room. He checked the level of fuel in the day tank and saw that he needed to transfer fuel from a storage tank into the day tank. He regularly did this approximately every 2 days depending on the vessel’s speed and the number of barges in the tow. He checked the day tank level and lined up the valves to transfer the fuel. As he flipped the switch to turn on the fuel transfer pump, he received an electrical shock to his hand. Continue reading “Electrical repairs should be done by suitable qualified individuals”

Safe pilot transfer arrangements vital for safe operations is key message in AMSA marine notice

AMSA has published a marine notice to remind shipowners, operators, masters, crews, recognised organisations, marine pilots and pilotage providers of the obligation to provide safe pilot transfer arrangements. AMSA has noted with concern that since November 2017 several pilots’ lives have been placed at risk in six separate incidents where ropes have parted, or securing point have failed. In addition, AMSA regularly receives reports and complaints about non-compliant pilot transfer arrangements.

Shipowners, operators, masters and crews are reminded that pilot transfer arrangements, including pilot ladders, must comply with Marine Order 21 (Safety and emergency arrangements) 2016 (MO21). Continue reading “Safe pilot transfer arrangements vital for safe operations is key message in AMSA marine notice”

Onboard carbon capture explored by ABS in new publication

Emerging onboard carbon capture (OCC) technology is explored in a new publication from ABS in its latest support for the maritime energy transition. Launched at the global trade fair for Shipbuilding, Machinery and Marine Technology (SMM), Insights into Onboard Carbon Capture examines the various methods of OCC as well as carbon handling and storage and downstream considerations, as well as regulatory issues.

“Although there has been increased interest from the industry, the technology and its associated value chains have a long way to mature, and there are many factors to consider such as onboard power supply, Continue reading “Onboard carbon capture explored by ABS in new publication”

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