International Superyacht Coatings Conference

International Superyacht Coatings Conference
International Superyacht Coatings Conference

The International Superyacht Coatings Conference will take place on 11 – 12 December 2014 and is being held at Amsterdam Rai.

The International Superyacht Coatings Conference (ISCC) is a prominent business-to-business event organised by Amsterdam RAI in association with ICOMIA and the Superyacht Builders Association (SYBAss). Specialising in superyacht coating processes and related rules and legislation, ISCC is much more than a conference and networking event – delegates will be encouraged to participate and contribute, not merely spectate. This highly interactive event will provide genuine opportunities to influence future decisions surrounding current issues facing the coatings industry.

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Asian piracy incidents decrease

According to the Regional Cooperation Agreement on Combating Piracy and Armed Robbery against Ships in Asia (ReCAAP) a total of 39 Asian piracy incidents were reported during July to September 2014 compared with 58 incidents during April to June 2014, a drop of one third.

Contrastingly, for the first six months of 2014, there has been a significant increase in the number of incidents compared to the same period of last year. The ReCAAP ISC witnesses a surge in the number of incidents from 61 reported during January – June 2013 to 90 during the same period in 2014. However, after July 2014, there has been a significant reduction in the number of incidents within the three-month period from July to September in 2014, ReCAAP reports.

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Panama Canal Pilots Not Renegotiating

According to a press release issued by the Panama Canal Pilots’ Union, (who represent more than 250 professional pilots), it has made the decision not to start renegotiations of the Collective Bargaining Agreement, a right afforded to the Union under the current Agreement.

“What the Panama Canal Pilots’ Union wants is for the Panama Canal Authority to concentrate on keeping the Canal safe and efficient, specially at a time when they seem to have lost the right course when it comes to Canal operations,” said Captain Rainiero Salas, Secretary General of the Union.

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SCWG Western Mediterranean training day

The IIMS Small Craft Working SCWG Western Mediterranean training day is taking place on Friday 7 November 2015.

Venue: Sala de Actos, Muelle Viejo 17, Planta 1, – Palma, Majorca, Spain

09.00 Coffee and registration

09.30 – 11.00 Matrix Insurance. Karen Brain & Amanda Rudd. Handling Client Disputes and Identifying Claims. An interactive session!

11.15 – 12.30 Masts & Rigging. Kim Skov-Nielsen. Rigging maintenance and replacement schedules – including Q&A session.

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Marine surveyor report writing is not a dying art

The art of marine surveyor report writing is the ‘key weapon’ in his/her. It is vitally important to get it right argues John Kilhams.
The art of marine surveyor report writing is the ‘key weapon’ in his/her. It is vitally important to get it right argues John Kilhams.

Article by John Kilhams

Marine surveyor report writing is the ‘key weapon’ in his/her armoury. It is what he/she lives or dies by. It is your intellectual property. It must be accurate, thorough and consistent. But do your reports actually do what they should? Time for a refresher! John Kilhams, recently retired from IIMS head office, who runs the Institute’s report writing one day courses, offers some tips and advice on good, basic report writing techniques and habits.

A good marine surveyor report should give the information to your client to enable him/her to make an informed decision on the condition of a vessel and whether to proceed with the purchase.

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Mass flow metering in bunkering

Mass flow metering in bunkering is set for important legal changes from 1 of January 2017 reports Luc Verley.
Mass flow metering in bunkering is set for important legal changes from 1 of January 2017 reports Luc Verley.

Article by Luc Verley MIIMS

During the Singapore Bunkering Symposium held on 8 of April 2014 the Singapore Minister of Transport Mr. Lui Tuck Yew announced that the use of a (Mass Flow Metering) system will become mandatory for marine fuel deliveries from 1 of January 2017. Therefore all existing bunker tankers operating with a Singapore harbour craft license must be equipped before 31 of December 2016 with an MPA (Maritime Port Authority of Singapore) approved Mass Flow Metering system. All new bunker tankers applying for a harbour craft licence after 31 of December 2014 must be equipped with an approved Mass Flow Metering system.

Singapore being the world’s leading bunker port in terms of volume, with over 40 million tonnes of marine fuels sold annually, takes a key step forward towards improving transparency, accuracy and efficiency of bunker supplies and will become the first port in the world to mandate the use of Mass Flow Metering for marine bunkering. The first commercial transaction with the use of a Mass Flow Metering took place in Singapore in June 2012. Currently, 17 Singapore bunker tankers are equipped with Mass Flow Metering systems and are part of a test program of MPA.

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ILO MLC2006 smartphone app available

The ILO MLC2006 Smartphone App, that was developed by The UK P&I Club and Lloyd’s Register, is freely available to download. The app is aimed at assisting those who need to be compliant with the Maritime Labour Convention 2006, which is now in full force. The app is available for iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones.

The pocket checklist app serves as an interactive tool that enables ships’ crews and their managers to view the requirements of the ILO MLC2006 and check off required activities as they are completed.

Download the ILO MLC2006 app at:


IIMS India conference schedule announced

The International Institute of Marine Surveying in association with the Indian Marine Surveyors Association is running its Conference at Kolkata on the 14 and 15th November 2014, themed Synergies in Marine Surveying.

The Conference schedule has been announced and can be seen here: IIMS India Conference Programme

An impressive speaker line up has been drawn up with topics of interest across the wide spectrum of Marine Surveying activities. A session that is not to be missed is the interactive session by Cordstrap on the New CTU Guidelines. Other highlights include Mr Sanjeev Bahandari who will speak on the topic of ‘Do marine surveyors owe a duty of care, Capt. K D Bahal talking about ‘Oil spill risk assessment, risk management and compensation’; plus Mr Uday Moorthi presenting ‘Catalytic fines in fuel oils and their repercussions’.

To make your reservation use this form: IIMS India Conference Registration form

Ferretti to launch the 550 range

Ferretti_Group_logoThe 2014 edition of the Cannes Yachting Festival, which marked the beginning of the new international nautical season, was the perfect stage to announce the next, enthralling chapter of a 45 year business history. It was there, indeed, that Ferretti Yachts presented the project of the Ferretti Yachts 550, the new entry-level yacht in the Ferretti Yachts range – a very important boat that will help the brand and the Ferretti Group as a whole to achieve the growth objectives they are currently pursuing.

“During Cannes Yachting Festival we introduced our global sales network and the Press to our forthcoming ambitious plans for this brand”, explains Stefano De Vivo, Ferretti Group’s Chief Commercial Officer. “And this new entry-level craft is part of a strategy aimed at attracting the interest of many new owners all over the world, for whom this new 55-footer and the forthcoming Ferretti Yachts boats will be a response to their wish to enjoy the sea as never before.”

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Certifying Authority Training Day held

IIMS Certifying Authority training day held at Portchester Sailing Club
IIMS Certifying Authority training day held at Portchester Sailing Club

More than 20 marine surveyors attended the IIMS Certifying Authority training day, held at Portchester Sailing Club on Wednesday 1 October. Participants came from as far afield as France, Spain, Holland and even India.

The day was presented as a workshop with John Excell, John Heath and Fraser Noble (Chairman of the IIMS Certifying Authority) leading the delivery and handling the resulting debate and comments.

The day proved to be long and exhausting, but productive as delegates got their heads around some of the more complex matters relating to the MCA directives and requirements.

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An eventful week

website screen shotMost weeks at IIMS head office are eventful! But this week has been more eventful than most it has to be said.

After some hiatus with edexcel, the awarding body for the IIMS HNC and HND in Marine Surveying, we finally had a flood of HNC certificates arrive. Well, I am exaggerating slightly. But it was pleasing to be able to forward HNC certificates to half a dozen successful students, the first crop to qualify through this education programme.

On Tuesday I chaired a meeting of the Registered Marine Coatings Inspectors qualification stakeholder’s group. There were 8 of us present and the purpose of the meeting was to evaluate the first pilot course, run at Portchester several weeks ago. It turned out to be a most productive meeting and we are now moving forward to deliver the first course for real from 6-10 December in Amsterdam.

Some weeks ago I had accepted a kind invitation from Roger Daniells, Chairman of the British Association of Cargo Surveyors to attend their luncheon. Thursday arrived and I made the trip to the historic city area of London. The venue was superb, the turnout excellent, Continue reading “An eventful week”

Container Annual Review & Forecast 2014/15

Drewry’s Container Annual Review & Forecast 2014/15 emphasises that the recovery of the container industry, when that happens – possibly by late 2016 or 2017 – is to be based around the formation of the new mega alliances and the continued reduction of unit costs, rather than the matching of supply and demand at the individual trade route level. A different recovery  is taking shape, which is unlikely to be built on any improvement in freight rates.

An orderbook that will see at least 53 and 45 ULCVs delivered in 2015 and 2016 respectively, coupled with the delivery of 100 ships of between 8,000 teu and 10,000 teu from the yards at the same time as
a similar number of ships being cascaded from the Asia-north Europe trade – will mean both reductions in unit costs and the potential for excess capacity on some routes. Continue reading “Container Annual Review & Forecast 2014/15”

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