On Wednesday 25 May, a group of nearly 30 IIMS members met at the impressive Royal National Lifeboat Institution (RNLI) headquarters and training facility at Poole in Dorset, UK. Their mission? Firstly to have a close look first hand at the RNLI All-weather Lifeboat Centre and the various workshops to see and understand the activities going on. Then after lunch, the group combined with the RNLI surveyors at their conference for an invaluable afternoon of training and knowledge sharing.

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SCHOTTEL develops VarioDuct high performance nozzle

A test model of the new nozzle SCHOTTEL VarioDuct SDV45 in the towing tank
A test model of the new nozzle SCHOTTEL VarioDuct SDV45 in the towing tank

The new SCHOTTEL VarioDuct SDV45 high performance nozzle is now available in the Rudderpropeller range from the German propulsion specialist SCHOTTEL. It offers provable higher efficiency at open-water speed combined with very good bollard pull values. In conjunction with optimally designed propeller geometries, the outstanding performance characteristics of the nozzle come to the fore. Given the same propulsive power, it has a greater bollard pull than the thrust of previous nozzles and, at the same time, offers considerably greater efficiency in the medium and high speed range. The system, consisting of a Rudderpropeller and the new nozzle, thus contributes significantly to fuel savings.

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P&I Club issues guidance on the carriage of deck cargo

Deck cargo bulletinThe Standard P&I Club has issued a special guidance bulletin on the carriage of deck cargo, as it is considered to be inherently risky because the cargo is exposed to greater dangers than goods carried under deck.

Deck cargo is exposed to the elements and is subject to sea, spray and wind, as well as the additional risk of being washed or falling overboard. Carrying cargo on deck without the agreement of the shipper may result in a breach of the contract of carriage. Prior to carrying goods on deck, the owner/carrier should be fully satisfied that it is safe to carry such goods on deck, there is a universal custom or statutory requirement to do so, or the shipper has consented to such a carriage. If not, by carrying goods on deck, the owner/carrier may be in breach of the contract of carriage and its P&I cover may be prejudiced. Contracts of carriage often contain a liberty clause, seemingly allowing the carrier to carry cargo on deck. Such clauses are often ineffective in protecting owners/carriers in cases where cargo is carried on deck without prior agreement and should be treated with caution.

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Canadian Government set to commit C$289m to small craft harbours

The Canadian Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard, Hunter Tootoo has announced an investment of C$289m ($219m) in small craft harbours across the country from 2016 to 2017.

The recent announcement adds an investment of C$32m ($24m) to an already committed value of C$149m ($113m), to be applied on small craft harbours (SCH) in the Canadian budget of this year.

SCH is a programme launched by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans across the nation to operate and maintain a national system of harbours offering safe and reliable access to coastal communities.

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Palma based refit companies rebrand as The North Dock

Eight marine businesses have joined forced to form The North Dock in Palma
Eight marine businesses have joined forced to form The North Dock in Palma

STP is one of the safest and most advanced Shipyard in Europe. It is a technical area of reference, set in the heart of Puerto de Palma, for the repair and maintenance of ships of up to 120 metres in length with travel-lifts of up to 700 tons. It is equipped with cutting edge and state of the art technology.

Now a group of eight independent marine businesses, which are equipped to offer a range of skills and products to the refit, repair and general yachting sectors, have joined together to form The North Dock.

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UK MCA to launch a new digital vessel registration system

Capt Des Howell, Oceans HQ's maritime administration and registry expert
Capt Des Howell, Oceans HQ’s maritime administration and registry expert

The UK Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) has chosen Oceans HQ to provide a new digital vessel registration system. This is a major part of the MCA’s 2016-2017 business plan and should improve the way the flag administration provides a range of services.

Oceans HQ’s Vessel HQ software is already in operation with a number of other flag states. It is a software platform that maritime administrations use for managing the registry of ships and meeting their international obligations to the IMO. Oceans HQ partnered with Thoughtbot London to deliver the modern software solution to the MCA.

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Sky-Futures and TU Delft University to collaborate on improving corrosion measurement by drone

Research and development facilities at Sky-Futures
Research and development facilities at Sky-Futures

Sky-Futures, the world leading drone inspection specialists for oil and gas, has announced they are funding a project with Dutch University, TU Delft to develop technology that will allow drones to accurately measure defects on structures through drone sensor technology and display the data collected.

Sky-Futures technology team, led by CTO Adrian Karl, already uses sophisticated software to automate the analysis of the data its drones gather, helping to identify potential problems in a rig and provide accurate corrosion forecasts. Clients access imagery and analysis through a cloud-hosted portal, together with expert input from Sky-Futures’ experienced engineers.

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Marine surveyor gives testimony on El Faro Steam Plant inspection

The US Coast Guard Marine Board of Investigation into the loss of the El Faro continued with testimony from marine surveyors for the American Bureau of Shipping (ABS), which provided classification and inspection services for the vessel.

Mark LaRose, a senior marine surveyor for ABS, performed a survey for the El Faro in June 2015, part of its continuous machinery survey program. Under the program, the ABS surveys 20 percent of the machinery on a ship every year for five years.

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New hybrid ferry named M/V Berlin by Scandlines

Scandlines has christened its new hybrid ferry Berlin
Scandlines has christened its new hybrid ferry Berlin

On Tuesday 3 May it became official. The first of two new passenger ferries for the route Rostock-Gedser was named M/V Berlin by Scandlines at a ceremony in Rostock.

150 specially invited guests had a festive day with views of the beautiful Warnemünde passage from on board the new hybrid ferry, which is currently lying in her new berth in Rostock.

“It has definitely been worth the wait, and I am pleased that Scandlines kept their resolve in spite of the history of M/V Berlin and her sister vessel,” says Ines Rehberg, the Godmother of the vessel. Ines Rehberg is married to Eckhard Rehberg, a member of the Bundestag Continue reading “New hybrid ferry named M/V Berlin by Scandlines”

AMSA issues marine notice on international delivery of domestic commercial vessels

The Australian Maritime Safety Authority has issued a marine notice about the international delivery of domestic commercial vessels and near coastal vessels operating overseas in order to provide general guidance to owners and/or operators of domestic commercial vessels.

All Australian commercial vessels 24 metres or more in tonnage length, and any Australian vessel (including domestic commercial vessels and recreational craft) in international waters are required to be registered in accordance with the Shipping Registration Act 1981 (unless a specific exemption applies). All Australian vessels which operate in international waters fall within the definition of a Regulated Australian Vessel (RAV) as a result of s15 of the Navigation Act 2012 (Navigation Act).

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International Institute of Marine Surveying celebrates its Silver Jubilee

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) celebrates its 25th anniversary this year having been founded in 1991. From humble beginnings, the organisation has grown steadily to become the leading, worldwide body for professional marine surveyors of all disciplines and is now respected as such globally. The Institute boasts one thousand members in nearly one hundred countries. IIMS is increasingly passionate about educating surveyors and increasing standards throughout the profession. View full press release.

The world’s two largest trimarans launched by Latitude Yachts

One of a pair of striking vessels launched by Latitude Yachts which will jointly hold the title of the world's largest trimarans
One of a pair of striking vessels launched by Latitude Yachts which will jointly hold the title of the world’s largest trimarans

Launching the world’s largest trimaran would be a feat worthy of mention in iteself, but Latvian based yard, Latitude Yachts have gone one better! Latitude Yachts has launched two 53 metre multihulls simultaneously. Together they hold the record for the world’s largest trimarans.

The two new trimarans called Galaxy and Galaxy of Happiness were launched in Riga in early May 2016. They are now undergoing extensive sea trials prior to delivery to their new owner in UAE.

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