Amendments issued on survey and construction of steel ships by ClassNK

ClassNK has announced that it has released some amendments to its Rules and Guidance for the Survey and Construction of Steel Ships with effect from 1 June 2017.

ClassNK is constantly revising its Rules and Guidance in order to reflect the latest results from relevant research and development projects, feedback from damage investigations, requests from industry as well as changes made to relevant international conventions, IACS unified requirements (UR), national regulations, etc.

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Transport Malta publishes its investigation report into an engine explosion on-board a passenger vessel

Transport Malta has issued an investigation report about an engine explosion on-board a passenger vessel, which caused severe burn injuries to two people back in May 2016. The report sets out to determine the circumstances of the accident as a basis for making recommendations in order to prevent further and similar incidents from occurring in the future.

The incident
Two motor mechanics from the Company’s workshop were sent on board MV Delfini to investigate an engine problem reported by the vessel’s skipper and engine driver. Work was necessary on the port main engine to identify and eliminate the exhaust white smoke, which was being emitted by the engine under load conditions.

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ITIC launches new surveyors’ indemnity wording

Surveyors’ indemnity wording is the subject of work undertaken by ITIC
Surveyors’ indemnity wording is the subject of work undertaken by ITIC

The International Transport Intermediaries Club (ITIC) in association with the Admiralty Solicitors Group (ASG) has launched a new surveyors’ indemnity wording, designed to address the imbalance between the owners’ and the marine surveyors’ responsibilities, typically encountered under existing indemnity agreements.

It is normal practice for a master to ask surveyors to sign waiver and indemnity of a vessel before the latter are given approval to board; so surveyors must waive all rights to make a future claim against the owner and the vessel in respect of any personal injury, or loss of, or damage to their equipment which they suffer, even if it is caused by the fault of the owner.

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Bahamas Maritime Authority issues a warnings about Alcares lifejacket light battery failure

The Bahamas Maritime Authority has issued a technical alert to bring to operators’ and inspectors’ attention that deficiencies have been found in lifejacket lights manufactured by Alcares in particular types Jack A1-Alk and Jack ARH-Alk, distributed by Datrex. A number of ships have reported issues relating to these defective lifejacket lights.

The notice highlights the following:
– Examination of the lights revealed that the batteries had leaked, resulting in contamination on the main board and resulting in the lights being considered unfit for further use.
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New unified ship design revealed by Rolls-Royce

Marine giant, Rolls-Royce, has showcased an extensive overhaul of its design philosophy which it believes will set the tone for the immediate future. Their aim is to optimise construction and operations without reducing the use of available space on board. As a consequence, any Rolls-Royce designed vessel will become instantly recognizable worldwide no matter what type it is.

The new design incorporates four key features in each design. These are:
– a knuckle line that slopes down towards the bow and links the new designs with older UT and NVC designs,
– a vertical side area and
– vertical upper stem, which simplify the design and decouples the hull form from the superstructure.
– a topside sheer line with a small convex curvature.

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The world’s first class approved 3D printed propeller WAAMpeller is on the horizon

The WAAMpeller propeller will be based on a Promarin design that is typically found on a Damen Stan Tug 1606
The WAAMpeller propeller will be based on a Promarin design that is typically found on a Damen Stan Tug 1606

Marking a major step forward in the application of 3D printing techniques in the maritime sector, Damen Shipyards Group has entered a cooperative consortium with RAMLAB, Promarin, Autodesk and Bureau Veritas. The goal of this group of forward-looking companies is to develop the world’s first class approved 3D printed ship’s propeller, to be called the WAAMpeller.

Damen’s involvement in the project began just over a year ago as a result of one of its in-house student research programmes. Continue reading “The world’s first class approved 3D printed propeller WAAMpeller is on the horizon”

UK P&I Club issues advice on cargo cold treatment failures

UK P&I Club says that it has seen an increase in refrigerated cargo claims for fresh fruit being shipped from South America to the United States due to cold treatment failure. George Radu, Claims Executive at Thomas Miller Americas, comments on this increase and offers prevention solutions.

The process of cargo cold treatment is a more efficient way to exterminate fruit insects than fumigation, as it maintains a sufficient low temperature for a pre-determined period, in order to exterminate insects and larvae in perishable cargo. The period and temperature required are defined in protocols established by the relevant authorities of the importing countries.

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IIMS and eCMID Singapore seminars 2017

IIMS has planned and organised a three day programme of events taking place in Singapore from 31 July to 2 August 2017.

Venue: Hotel Jen Tanglin Singapore by Shangri-la
1A Cuscaden Road, Orchard, 249716 Singapore
See hotel web site

The three day event provisional programme comprises in brief:
Monday 31 July: International Institute of Marine Surveying Seminar
Tuesday 1 August: eCMID AVI Seminar
Wednesday 2 August: eCMID AVI Accreditation Course Continue reading “IIMS and eCMID Singapore seminars 2017”

Osprey RIBs collision report published by MAIB

The MAIBs report of the collision between the rigid inflatable boats (RIBs) Osprey and Osprey II resulting in serious injuries to one passenger in the Firth of Forth, Scotland on 19 July 2016 has been published. The report contains details of what happened, subsequent actions taken and recommendations made.

At 1252 on 19 July 2016, two passenger carrying rigid inflatable boats (RIBs), Osprey and Osprey II, collided in the Firth of Forth. A passenger who was sitting on an inflatable tube of Osprey II was crushed between Osprey’s bow and Osprey II’s helm console, resulting in her sustaining serious injuries.

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Baltic Yachts announces the launch of the world’s largest carbon-fibre sloop

The world’s largest carbon-fibre sloop has been launched by Baltic Yachts
The world’s largest carbon-fibre sloop has been launched by Baltic Yachts

The Baltic Yachts 175 Pink Gin VI, the world’s largest carbon-fibre sloop, embarked on an unusual maiden voyage recently – by road. She was safely transported over a distance of 21km by a specialist low-loader from Baltic Yachts’ inland manufacturing site at Bosund to their waterfront yard in Jakobstad in preparation for final fit out and imminent launch next month.

The all carbon composite 160-ton, silver sloop might be impressively light for a yacht of her size, but she proved quite a challenge for the local road system. She travelled at an average speed of about 10km/hr during the journey during which roundabouts, a railroad crossing and other obstacles had to be negotiated. Baltic Yachts had permission to widen the road and temporarily removed traffic signs so that the unusual load could travel safely along her way.

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Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing – CSS Code – updated by Panama Maritime Authority

The CSS Code provides an international standard to promote the safe stowage and securing of cargoes
The CSS Code provides an international standard to promote the safe stowage and securing of cargoes

Instructions from the Administration of Panama regarding IMO MSC.1/Circ. 1352/Rev.1 Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing – CSS Code Annex 14 – were announced in ClassNK Technical Information No. TEC-1097 dated 28 December 2016. The Administration has updated MERCHANT MARINE CIRCULAR MMC-340, including their additional guidance on the application of relevant requirements to existing containerships, as attached.

This Technical Information supersedes the previous ClassNK Technical Information No.TEC-1097 dated 28 December 2016.

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Marshall Islands Registry issues advisory note following an explosion on a coal laden carrier

Photo not the vessel involved in the Marshall Islands Registry flagged incident
Photo not the vessel involved in the Marshall Islands Registry flagged incident

The Registry has issued an advisory note to alert the wider shipping community to the fact it is currently conducting a serious marine casualty investigation into the fatality of two seafarers, which occurred recently onboard a Marshall Islands Registry flagged vessel. Marshall Islands Registry has published its preliminary findings into the incident, which is still ongoing, so that it might help to identify potential risks and preventing similar incidents from taking place.

The vessel involved was a bulk carrier laden with coal. Marshall Islands Registry regrets that two seafarers died and two others were severely burned following the explosion and fire, which took place in the Bosun’s Store Room.

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