Southampton Boat Show set to celebrating 50 years of boating excellence

Taking place from 14-23 September 2018, this year’s Show will boast an expected 100+ debuts and more than 500 exhibitors
Taking place from 14-23 September 2018, this year’s Show will boast an expected 100+ debuts and more than 500 exhibitors

This year Southampton Boat Show ( celebrates its golden anniversary. Over the last 50 years it has been the launchpad for boating legends, seen the evolution of ground-breaking technology and tracked the rise of global marine brands. Visitors will be able to see the best of the past alongside the latest and most innovate craft and technology on the market.

Taking place from 14-23 September 2018, this year’s Show will boast an expected 100+ debuts and more than 500 exhibitors, of which 81 will be new to the Show for 2018. Additionally, it and will showcase pioneering environmental research.

The Show will also mark the Continue reading “ Southampton Boat Show set to celebrating 50 years of boating excellence”

New method to assess structure durability of aged ships announced by Ship Structure Committee

The method developed utilizes a ship specific 3-D hydrodynamic model to simulate the ship’s rigid body dynamic response to wave conditions, measuring the resulting ship motions and pressure distribution on the hull.
The method developed utilizes a ship specific 3-D hydrodynamic model to simulate the ship’s rigid body dynamic response to wave conditions, measuring the resulting ship motions and pressure distribution on the hull.

The Ship Structure Committee is pleased to announce the publication of a new report, SSC-474, titled Structural Assessment of Aged Ships, authored by Mr. Gregory Walker, Mr. Brendan Connell and Mr. Sean Kery of CSRA. The detailed 75 page report is available for free using the link at the end of the article below.

The report describes the development of an assessment process to accurately predict the survivability of a corrosion-degraded ship in specific wave conditions. The method developed utilizes a ship specific 3-D hydrodynamic model to simulate the ship’s rigid body dynamic response to wave conditions, measuring the resulting ship motions and pressure distribution on the hull. Pressure and acceleration data from the hydrodynamic model is then input into a Continue reading “New method to assess structure durability of aged ships announced by Ship Structure Committee”

Broken valve causes oil spill while bunkering

The Swedish P&I Club has described a case of an oil spill during a vessel's bunkering operations which led to an oil spill, the cause of which was a broken valve.
The Swedish P&I Club has described a case of an oil spill during a vessel’s bunkering operations which led to an oil spill, the cause of which was a broken valve.

The Swedish P&I Club has described a case of an oil spill during a vessel’s bunkering operations which led to an oil spill, the cause of which was a broken valve. Following investigation, the Club recommended that all involved parties should be informed when tanks are switched and that the crew must always ensure the valves are completely shut and working.

The incident
The vessel was loading in port and had also planned to bunker fuel using shore trucks. The plan was to load the fuel into port tank 2 and fill it 96%, but the chief engineer changed this just before loading and instead wanted to load port and starboard 3 tanks. The plan was to fill these tanks 90%. The number 3 tanks were half the size of the port and starboard 2 tanks.

The bunker system was lined up to bunker the port 3 tank. Deck scuppers were put in place on deck. The chief engineer then met the truck driver to agree on basic hand signals before connecting the Continue reading “Broken valve causes oil spill while bunkering”

Australian commercial vessel safety system concerns highlighted in IIMS survey

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) has released details of a poll undertaken in the past week amongst its Australian members, which reveals serious concerns in the industry about the operation of the new national system for commercial vessel safety introduced by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on 1 July 2018.

The survey of 60 local IIMS members found that over half of respondents believe the new system will result in vessels being less safe to operate; 29% said they will be far less safe. Nearly two-thirds of respondents (64%) said they found it either difficult or very difficult to access information, understand legislative requirements and get decisions from AMSA, while 79% said that AMSA did not listen to surveyors, or takes their views into account when formulating policy and systems. Read the press release in full: IIMS survey on Australian national vessel safety scheme changes

Concerns over new Australian commercial vessel safety system highlighted in recent IIMS survey

The International Institute of Marine Surveying (IIMS) has released details of a poll undertaken in the past week amongst its Australian members, which reveals serious concerns in the industry about the operation of the new national system for commercial vessel safety introduced by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA) on 1 July 2018.

The survey of 60 local IIMS members found that over half of respondents believe the new system will result in vessels being less safe to operate; 29% said they will be far less safe.

Nearly two-thirds of respondents (64%) said they found it either difficult or very difficult to access information, understand legislative Continue reading “Concerns over new Australian commercial vessel safety system highlighted in recent IIMS survey”

RRS Sir David Attenborough polar research ship launched

The UK’s polar research ship RRS Sir David Attenborough was launched into the River Mersey, Birkenhead on Saturday July 14.

Once in the river, tugs towed the 129-meter (423-foot) 10,000 ton hull to Cammell Laird’s wet basin for the next stages of construction. The polar research ship is scheduled to commence operation in 2019.

More than 3,000 shipyard workers, engineers, scientists and maritime industry experts gathered with special guest speakers, including world-renowned broadcaster Sir David Attenborough, to celebrate.

Continue reading “RRS Sir David Attenborough polar research ship launched”

UK Government publishes Maritime Annual Report 2018

Parliamentary Under Secretary for Transport and Minister for Maritime, Nusrat Ghani MP, has written this foreword to the recently published Maritime Annual Report 2018.

The UK sits in the front rank of global maritime nations. Since my appointment as Minister for Maritime, I have experienced at first hand the full range and impact of the UK’s maritime sector. I am proud that we have one of the most vibrant and competitive maritime sectors in the world.

Over the past year, the Government has signalled its intention to be more ambitious in both leading and supporting the maritime sector. Continue reading “UK Government publishes Maritime Annual Report 2018”

The importance of kill cords reiterated by UK Coastguard following an incident

The UK Coastguard has issued kill cord safety advice following a recent incident when two men were thrown from their speedboat in the afternoon of 12 July off the coast of Kent. The kill cord is designed to ‘kill’ a boat engine in case the driver goes overboard.

At around 2.25pm on 12 July, HM Coastguard received a number of 999 calls reporting that two men had been thrown from a speedboat, which then continued unmanned until it crashed into the sea wall at Minnis Bay Margate. The two men were rescued by the RNLI Lifeguards.

Continue reading “The importance of kill cords reiterated by UK Coastguard following an incident”

Electrical fault caused the fire on Best Revenge 5 says NTSB report

Image credit: Sailing Directions
Image credit: Sailing Directions

The NTSB has issued its investigation report on the fire onboard sailing boat ‘Best Revenge 5’, while it was docked at a marina pier at Inner Harbor in Falmouth, Massachusetts, in July 2017.

At about 0130 on 11 July 2017, the ‘Best Revenge 5’ caught fire while docked at a marina pier in Falmouth Inner Harbor. The vessel’s two crew members escaped the burning vessel and attempted to fight the fire but could not contain it. Local firefighters later extinguished it.

One crew member sustained second and third degree burns to the arms, hands, and feet. An oil sheen was observed in the immediate Continue reading “Electrical fault caused the fire on Best Revenge 5 says NTSB report”

Australian Government extends Domestic Commercial Vessel scheme levy-free period in surprise move

In an unexpected turn in the face of severe criticism from the local surveying profession and others associated with the maritime industry, the Australian Government government has announced an additional AUS$10 million in funding to support the launch of the National System for Domestic Commercial Vessel Safety (National System). The scheme, administered by the Australian Maritime Safety Authority (AMSA), officially started on 1 July.

Last year, in response to an industry backlash over new fees and charges associated with the National System, the government promised AUS$102 million in funding over ten years and announced that no levies would be charged during the first year of the scheme’s operation.

Continue reading “Australian Government extends Domestic Commercial Vessel scheme levy-free period in surprise move”

Shipowners P&I Club issues loss prevention and fishing vessel safety publication

There have been many studies carried out over the years showing that fatalities on fishing vessels remain a real threat.
There have been many studies carried out over the years showing that fatalities on fishing vessels remain a real threat.

On the occasion of the launch of Maritime Safety Week by the UK government running this week, the Shipowners Club issued its fishing vessel safety booklet, summarizing key safety tips for one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. There have been many studies carried out over the years showing that fatalities on fishing vessels remain a real threat.

It is essential that the vessel’s skipper and all crew are fully familiarised with the vessel and its equipment, including any vessel-specific quirks, prior to departing a berth. A pre-sailing checklist should be completed, including:

– The operation and maintenance of the fishing equipment.
– The location and operation of safety equipment, ensuring it is free from obstruction
– The onboard layout of the spaces such as void spaces, engine room and cargo spaces.
– The location and operation of key Continue reading “Shipowners P&I Club issues loss prevention and fishing vessel safety publication”

BPA calls for alcohol limits in UK recreational boating

Professional mariners and fishermen in charge of commercial ships are covered by alcohol limits but there is a loophole for those in the leisure sector.
Professional mariners and fishermen in charge of commercial ships are covered by alcohol limits but there is a loophole for those in the leisure sector.

The British Ports Association (BPA) has called for new legislation to introduce alcohol limits for non-professional mariners, replicating the rules that already exist for commercial ships in British waters.

Commenting on the anomaly, the BPA’s Chief Executive, Richard Ballantyne, said:
“As it is Maritime Safety Week its right that we revive the debate around the gap in legislation regarding alcohol limits for non-professional mariners. We understand there will be technical challenges to overcome and also that enforcement will not be easy but it cannot be right in this day and age that such a sizeable section of our maritime sector is exempt from drink-drive rules. There have been too many occasions when alcohol has endangered lives in the maritime environment, both within and outside ports and harbours.”

Professional mariners and fishermen in charge of commercial ships are covered by alcohol limits but there is a loophole for those in the leisure sector.

Laws to introduce drink driving offences for Continue reading “BPA calls for alcohol limits in UK recreational boating”

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