Complaints received by the Canal & River Trust are on the up

Of the other complaints, there was one about the routing of HS2, as well as others in some way related to land or property.
Of the other complaints, there was one about the routing of HS2, as well as others in some way related to land or property.

252 complaints were received by the Canal & River Trust in 2017/18, according to the latest Waterways Ombudsman report.

The report show that the number of complaints is above the average of 225 over the past five years. During the year the Ombudsman received 35 enquiries about the Trust, down on 39 last year. Fifteen new investigations were opened, which was one more than the previous year and the number of completed investigations was 14, three lower than the previous year.

Of the 14 investigations completed, one was upheld, while in a further four investigations the complaint was either upheld in part, or elements of it were upheld. Goodwill awards were proposed in three cases, although in one case the complainant did not accept it.

Wide-ranging complaints
There was a very diverse range of complaints. The majority were about Continue reading “Complaints received by the Canal & River Trust are on the up”

Results of Maritime New Zealand recreational boating survey published

Incoming Chair of the Safer Boating Forum and Maritime NZ Deputy Director Sharyn Forsyth said the 2018 Ipsos survey is encouraging and shows that boaties’ safety behaviour has improved in the four key risk areas identified and targeted by the 23-member Safer Boating Forum.
Incoming Chair of the Safer Boating Forum and Maritime NZ Deputy Director Sharyn Forsyth said the 2018 Ipsos survey is encouraging and shows that boaties’ safety behaviour has improved in the four key risk areas identified and targeted by the 23-member Safer Boating Forum.

Maritime New Zealand has published its Ipsos 2018 Recreational Boating Survey, revealing that recreational boaties seem to be generally behaving more safely. There is a steady lifejacket wearing culture, more weather checking, taking two ways to call for help and avoiding alcohol when going out on the water.

Boating by the numbers 2018
– 1.5 million adults (42% of New Zealanders) were involved in recreational boating last year.
– Kayaks remain the most popular craft used by boaties (33%), followed by power boats under six metres (22%), and dinghies (11%).
– Last year 19 people died in recreational boating accidents on New Zealand waters. Of these, 18 were men – 14 over 40 years (the highest fatality group).
– Lifejackets remain the most prevalent form of safety device taken on boating trips.
– The number of boaties wearing their lifejackets all, or most of the time, on the water, remains stable at 75%.
– The percentage of boaties having at least two ways to signal or call for help if needed ‘every time’ has risen to 43% in 2018 from 38% in 2017.
– The percentage of boaties checking the weather before heading out on the water has risen to Continue reading “Results of Maritime New Zealand recreational boating survey published”

Sunseeker is set to move into metal boat production

The new 49m tri-deck yacht will have an interior that can be styled to each owner’s taste.
The new 49m tri-deck yacht will have an interior that can be styled to each owner’s taste.

Sunseeker International is set to partner with Dutch based ICON Yachts to produce aluminium boats.

The first boat, due for launch in 2021, will be a 49m yacht and will capitalise on the demand the boatbuilder is seeing for larger vessels.

“We know there is demand there for larger Sunseeker yachts as the 155 Yacht proved,” said Sunseeker International sales director, Sean Robertson. “The decision to stop building that model was a commercial one based on space and capacity and certainly not due to lack of demand, so we knew we needed to rethink our approach to this size of vessel and have spent considerable time looking at various opportunities.”

He added: “A move into metal also means there is no Continue reading “Sunseeker is set to move into metal boat production”

Princess Yachts is experiencing a revolution as it launches the R35

Around 20 R35s will be built each year, each using the latest technologies that have been developed through working with BAR Technologies.
Around 20 R35s will be built each year, each using the latest technologies that have been developed through working with BAR Technologies.

Princess Yachts’ latest launch is its R35, a 100% carbon fibre craft whose hull weighs half a tonne less than a comparable GRP boat explained executive chairman Antony Sheriff.

The launch of the R35 follows on from the boatbuilder recording its highest ever revenue in the history of the company in 2017 and increasing the size of its workforce by 50% over the last two and a half years.

“Innovation, design, high levels of build quality and better perceived,” said Antony. “it’s all condensed into one boat, the R35. It’s about beauty and comfort.”

He added: “This boat is symbolic of the revolution that’s happening within Princess. It’s been a very exciting run over the last few years.”

Around 20 R35s will be built each year, each using Continue reading “Princess Yachts is experiencing a revolution as it launches the R35”

Safety alert issued by BSEE following inspections and findings from fired vessels

Photo credit: BSEE
Photo credit: BSEE

US Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) has issued a safety alert summarizing its findings and recommendations following a number of recent risk-based inspections. BSEE’s team of inspectors and engineers developed several recommendations from inspection findings to reduce the risks associated with fired vessels; hydrocarbon processing vessels on offshore oil and gas facilities with self-contained, natural or forced draft burners.

Between July 17 and July 20, BSEE inspectors visited 27 platforms operated by 14 unique operators to focus on personnel competency, mechanical integrity of fired vessels, managements systems, and maintenance of fire suppression systems.

BSEE inspectors also tested the effectiveness of Continue reading “Safety alert issued by BSEE following inspections and findings from fired vessels”

Serious eye injury during maintenance of fresh water steriliser caused due to lack of PPE

It was reported that the injured engineer was not wearing any face or eye protection when carrying out the work, despite the ready availability of this equipment in the engine room.
It was reported that the injured engineer was not wearing any face or eye protection when carrying out the work, despite the ready availability of this equipment in the engine room.

In the UK P&I Club‘s latest ‘Lessons Learned’ feature, Capt David Nichol references a case about a serious eye injury caused to an engineer who was engaged in carrying out routine maintenance of a fresh water steriliser. The investigation and outcome identified that the injured man had not been part of a proper risk assessment and consequently had not been wearing any face protection.

The incident occurred while two of the vessel’s engineers were performing maintenance on the U.V. steriliser of the fresh water generator in port. The work involved replacing a U.V. lamp and its associated tubular quartz glass sleeve within the cylindrical steriliser casing.

After the old lamp and sleeve were removed and the new sleeve installed, the engineers decided to hydrostatically test the steriliser unit to verify that the sleeve was correctly fitted and not Continue reading “Serious eye injury during maintenance of fresh water steriliser caused due to lack of PPE”

Safety digest with twenty four case studies published by MAIB

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), based in Southampton, UK, has published its latest safety digest that features 24 case studies of accidents and incidents it has investigated.

The information is published to inform the shipping and fishing industries, the pleasure craft community and the public of the general circumstances of marine accidents and to draw out the lessons to be learned. The sole purpose of the Safety Digest is to prevent similar accidents happening again. The content must necessarily be regarded as tentative and subject to alteration or correction if additional evidence becomes available. The articles do not assign fault or blame nor do they determine liability. The lessons often extend beyond the events of the incidents themselves to ensure the maximum value can be achieved.

In his introduction to the Safety Digest, Andrew Moll, MAIB (Interim) Chief Inspector of Marine Accidents says,
“Anyone who knows me will already be aware that I like simplicity. There is seldom anything simple about a marine accident, but to my mind there are usually three recurring components: an underlying weakness or vulnerability in the system (which includes the people); a trigger event or additional stressor Continue reading “Safety digest with twenty four case studies published by MAIB”

Maersk sets new guidelines on dangerous cargo stowage following Honam tragedy

The Risk Based Dangerous Goods Stowage principles have been developed to minimise risk to crew, cargo, environment and vessel in case a fire develops. The different container vessel designs were reviewed from a risk mitigation perspective and ultimately six different risk zones defined.
The Risk Based Dangerous Goods Stowage principles have been developed to minimise risk to crew, cargo, environment and vessel in case a fire develops. The different container vessel designs were reviewed from a risk mitigation perspective and ultimately six different risk zones defined.

In the aftermath of the major fire that killed five crew members onboard the ‘Maersk Honam’ in March 2018, Danish container ship giant Maersk has conducted a thorough review of their current safety practices and policies with reference to the stowage of dangerous cargo. Consequently, Maersk has now announced the implementation of new guidelines to improve safety across its container vessel fleet.

On 6 March 2018, the container ship ‘Maersk Honam’ suffered a serious fire in its cargo hold where dangerous goods were carried, but up to this time, there is no evidence to suggest that dangerous goods caused the fire, the company noted. In addition, all cargo was accepted as per the requirements of the IMDG Code and stowed onboard the vessel accordingly.

Following the tragic incident, Maersk took measures and implemented additional preliminary guidelines for stowage of dangerous goods. The company evaluated over 3,000 UN numbers of hazardous materials in order to further understand and improve dangerous cargo stowage onboard container vessels and developed a new set of principles called ‘Risk Based Dangerous Goods Stowage’.

Together with ABS, Maersk called for a workshop with other industry stakeholders to conduct a Continue reading “Maersk sets new guidelines on dangerous cargo stowage following Honam tragedy”

IIMS launches its unique online Marine Surveying International Fest 2018

IIMS, the leading worldwide professional body for marine surveyors, decided it was overdue that marine surveyors have their own special day – a day that celebrates and recognises the importance of their profession. So, IIMS has created the inaugural International Marine Surveying Fest 2018, a 24 hour marine surveying online jamboree. The date for this innovative and eye-catching event, supported by Constellation Marine Services and the Nautical Institute, is Tuesday 6th into Wednesday 7th November. No matter what time zone you are in, or area of surveying or the marine industry you work in, the Fest aims to offer something of interest to you.

The Marine Surveying International Fest 2018 is an online only event and will be anchored and hosted from the IIMS head office in the UK. The 24 hour non-stop online marathon starts at 11.00 (UK time) on 6th November opened by Mike Schwarz, IIMS CEO in discussion with Capt John Lloyd, Nautical Institute CEO and running non-stop until 11.00 (UK time) on 7th November.

Read the press release in full: IIMS Marine Surveying International Fest 2018

Unique identifiers for human-powered and small sail vessels can be exempt says AMSA

AMSA recognised that requiring a unique identifier for every human-powered vessel and sailing vessels less than 7.5 metres, may not be practical for some operators, particularly operators with a high number of unpowered vessels that are replaced frequently.
AMSA recognised that requiring a unique identifier for every human-powered vessel and sailing vessels less than 7.5 metres, may not be practical for some operators, particularly operators with a high number of unpowered vessels that are replaced frequently.

From 1 September 2018, owners of human-powered and sailing vessels less than 7.5 metres can be exempt from having to get a unique identifier for each vessel, if a certificate of operation covers the vessels.

Alternatively, owners may choose to continue to apply for a unique identifier for each vessel and remain exempt from having a certificate of operation. The unique identifier does not need to be displayed on the vessel.

AMSA recognised that requiring a unique identifier for every human-powered vessel and sailing vessels less than 7.5 metres, may not be practical for some operators, particularly operators with a high number of unpowered vessels that are replaced frequently.

Exemption 1 allows greater flexibility around the unique identifier requirements for human-powered and small sailing vessels covered by a certificate of operation

The change to Exemption 1 means that owners of human-powered vessels and sailing vessels less than 7.5 metres will have now have Continue reading “Unique identifiers for human-powered and small sail vessels can be exempt says AMSA”

Problems associated with hidden engine room hot spots

It is recommended to enhance prevention and protection against such fires and that a proactive inspection and evaluation programme is incorporated as part of the ongoing planned maintenance schedule to ensure all piping systems and equipment is maintained corrected and that design is appropriate.
It is recommended to enhance prevention and protection against such fires and that a proactive inspection and evaluation programme is incorporated as part of the ongoing planned maintenance schedule to ensure all piping systems and equipment is maintained corrected and that design is appropriate.

Article written by Joe Maguire, Technical Manager at Skuld P&I Club. The Club would like to draw attention to the continued dangers of fires which originate in the machinery space. Specifically, where the cause of the fire is as a result of a flammable liquid spraying onto a hot surface.

Typical root causes for such incidents have been identified as:
– Missing pipe brackets/supports on oil systems leading to increased vibrations and subsequent cracks or even breakage of the oil piping system.
– Missing cup over the fuel injector valve.
– Original insulation or screening of hot surfaces was not maintained correctly.
– Original insulation or screening of hot surfaces was not sufficient for preventing oil spray onto hot surfaces.
– Insulation soaked with oil caught fire when sufficiently heated up.
– Oil leakages from engine components like exhaust valve indicators spraying onto the exhaust manifold.

It is recommended to enhance prevention and protection against such fires and that a proactive Continue reading “Problems associated with hidden engine room hot spots”

Insight report on safety in the passenger ferry industry published

From 1966 to 2015 there were 750 recorded fatal accidents involving passenger vessels, resulting in 59,600 fatalities.
From 1966 to 2015 there were 750 recorded fatal accidents involving passenger vessels, resulting in 59,600 fatalities.

The global passenger ferry industry has averaged more than 1,000 fatalities per year since the 1960s, with the great majority occurring on domestic voyages in Asia and Africa.

From 1966 to 2015 there were 750 recorded fatal accidents involving passenger vessels, resulting in 59,600 fatalities. Ninety-three per cent of ferry accidents occurred during domestic voyages, with 90% of fatalities occurring in just 20 countries and 76% in 10.

The Lloyd’s Register Foundation identified passenger ferry safety as a challenge in its Insight report on global safety challenges, in 2017. Since then The Foundation has investigated further to better understand the issue. It has drawn on expert knowledge and opinion to determine what activity is already underway to improve safety, what is further needed, and to Continue reading “Insight report on safety in the passenger ferry industry published”

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